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CJ Kucera edited this page Jan 29, 2023 · 4 revisions


Author: Ugyuu

Last Updated: June 14, 2019

In Categories: Sniper Rifles

Download Methods

Link to Mod File
(right click and "Save Link As")
View on Github
(after clicking on a mod, right click on "Raw" or
"Download," and then "Save Link As")


View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

Turns the Trespasser into the Hyper-Collider (Borderlands 2 Version). If Trespasser and Hawkeye got mixed..
Breaks the Orc child projectile. It is still very much usable, but be cautious when using custom weapons, if they use this one as well.
Feedback heavily appreciated, even if it's for the skin.
Might or might not break with Vel0city and Accelerate, when boosted beyond 10/5.

Wiki Links

Borderlands 2 Mods

Pre-Sequel Mods

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