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Thomas Tosik edited this page Sep 8, 2015 · 2 revisions

Here are some informations about the package structure of the mars core.

Package Name Description
mars main package
mars.Helper useful stuff that does not fit anywhere else
mars.PhysicalExchange base for all actuators/sensors
mars.accumulators energy and stuff
mars.actuators moving your auv, interacting with environment
mars.actuators.SpecialManipulators ?
mars.actuators.cable ?
mars.actuators.servos ?
mars.actuators.thrusters ?
mars.actuators.visualizer ?
mars.annontations ?
mars.auv ?
mars.auv.example ?
mars.communication communication with mars from outside (TCP and ROSJava)
mars.control jme node controls
mars.core GUI (NBP) GUI Help stuff energy harvesting system all the internal mars events
mars.filter ?
mars.geodesy GPS Helper
mars.gui.* additional non NBP gui stuff
mars.hardware some stored information on real hardware, e.g. Imagenex Sonar
mars.misc the rest that does not fit anywhere else
mars.object the base for all mars objects like auvs
mars.resources ?
mars.sensors "seeing" your environment
mars.sensors.sonar Sonar stuff
mars.simobjects all objects that are not auvs
mars.states all major mars states (jme)
mars.waves projected waves water grid
mars.xml mainly jaxb
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