Releases: wikid24/ffxiv_mmd_tools_helper
Part 1 of massive rewrite of the entire plugin to support MMD Tools' translation dictionary (referred to as MMD English Alternate TL)
Bone find & replace functionality can now search by 'MMD Japanese Bone Name' or 'MMD English Bone Name'
Added new 'Autofix the Mapping List' to the Animation Retargeting module. If you loaded a config file and your target or source is using an alternate translation, or if the mapping is completely wrong, will attempt to fix the mappings for you. Still not a magic pill but it does 95% of the work for you.
Added new VMD File Inspector -- Used for comparing if the VMD Animation file has bones that do not exist on your currently selected model. Useful when trying to diagnose why your MMD Model isn't being animated or some bones aren't moving properly for some reason
Error handling for MekTools plugin to tell you when you have the wrong version installed (0.35 for Blender 3.xx, 0.36 for Blender 4.0)
Fixed error message when trying to read a chara file read when no model is loaded on screen yet.(11)
- Added 'Export CSV' for Bone Morphs to pair it nicely with the new 'Import CSV' feature.
I don't understand half of the code MMD Tools did as it stores its bone morph data very weirdly... They had to encrypt it in a matrix that was converted 4x4 then 3x3 then converted to quaternion then axis angle?
Translated to hell and back lol. Why not sure just store the data as an armature property?
Anyway, not sure why the code works, but it works :)
- Adds center_2 and groove_2 bones by default
Why the hell do these even exist?? Hell if I know. They don't serve any practical purpose for what center and groove already do.
All I know is that SOME .vmd motion files are animated with them, and that they exist on the Genshin Impact MMD Models, and that if these bone's don't exist, the animations will break.
Here's my theory: Since the MMD Genshin Impact models are so popular, people create animations for them using them as the base model, and just pick which ever bone they see for creating animations. Who cares about building animations so the generally accepted standard 'TDA' MMD Models can work fine with them amiright? /s
Also, do you know how hard it is to find out if a .vmd motion file is expecting a bone but your model doesn't have it? Currently, it's pretty darn hard to find out. Maybe I might have to build some sort of tool to analyze a vmd file to find out if all bone exists on your armature or not... But I have no idea how to do that right now....
/end rant
Anyway, download below.
- Also, bugfix to Issue #9
Yesterday's update for improving Animation Retargeting addon focused on "Bulk Add" mappings. Today's update focuses on better mapping controls for each individual source & target mapping
- Automatically set the target bone based on what is the 'active' bone on the viewport
- Automatically find the source bone (based on what is on the target bone field) <-- uses the metadata dictionary to find a bone names on the same row
- Click on the bone name (source OR target bone) to highlight the bone on the viewport
- Show all bones names as something that is readable by English users! No more having to find out what "上半身2" is to map it, just show a translation of it in English! <-- also uses the metadata dictionary
Video of it in action:
- Also a few extra bulk 'add features' were added: nose & tail!
Introducing what might be the largest requested ever since I started this addon back in January 2023:
- These controls will now be displayed ONLY if you have Animation Retargeting addon version 2.1.0 or higher (latest version at the time of writing) installed & enabled on the 'RETARGETING' tab:
The 'Add Bone Mapping' panel will search for a matching bones between the source armature and target armature according to the metadata dictionary. If it finds a matching source bone to target bone on the same row, it will add the bone mapping for you! (regardless of if it's a MMD model,FFXIV Model, FFXIV (converted to) MMD model, a mektools armature, or anything in between!
- Not only that, but ALSO copy rotation from source armature to target armature-- no more fiddling around getting the target armature's rest pose EXACTLY right! Just click ONE button and the target bones's rotation angle will match the source armature's angle! Again, doesn't matter if it's MMD/FFXIV/FFXIV-MMD(converted)/mektools armature, it just works!
It's finished! Last big hurrah for FULLY implementing the Colorsetter shaders!
What's new?
- Auto search in textools folder (or any other folder for that matter) and apply the textures!!!!!!!
What does this mean? Well, it means you can IMMEDIATELY export a texture out of textools and auto apply it to your ffxiv model, that's what!!
See it in action:
NOT ONLY THAT, but by leveraging the .chara file importer you can auto-apply the default colors to the colorsetter shaders, regardless of if it's from the same race or not!
New auto convert .tex files (straight from FFXIV game) to .dds and vice versa! This leverages the ffxiv-tex-converter from emarron, thanks for making a great tool! :D
New replace textures function in the Colorsetter Gear panel!
Useful if you want to replace the default ones with upscaled/modded textures.
It looks in all subfolders for files with the exact same file name (regardless of if it's a .png, .bmp or .dds) and replaces the files.
Bit less exciting than the last few updates, but nonetheless still useful changes to the shader panel:
- Colorsetter skin shader now is now shared amongst all meshes/materials on the same armature... No more separate materials/texture files for each mesh. Set it up once and the settings will be shared on all meshes/materials within the same armature.
- FFXIV's default skin texture files are now included within the addon package
- Will attempt to use the correct skin texture files (according to your race/gender) upon adding the Colorsetter Skin Shader. You can get better results if you apply a .chara file to your model beforehand since it includes your tribe (in particular this is important for Au Ra characters if you want dark scales vs light scales).
- new Colorsetter Gear panel details on the UI... It now shows the texture files that are being used on it, so you can override the textures without any fuss.
-Huge code refactoring for the colorsetter shaders behind the scenes since it was a big code spaghetti mess. It still is, but it's a little bit more organized now :D
Added ALL Colorsetter Shaders (face/skin/eyes/hair/tail/face accent)!
If you applied a .chara file to your FFXIV model, it will use this as the default colors when you add a new colorsetter shader to any material!
Reworked the shader menu again
More error handling/bugfixes in various places