- Adds center_2 and groove_2 bones by default
Why the hell do these even exist?? Hell if I know. They don't serve any practical purpose for what center and groove already do.
All I know is that SOME .vmd motion files are animated with them, and that they exist on the Genshin Impact MMD Models, and that if these bone's don't exist, the animations will break.
Here's my theory: Since the MMD Genshin Impact models are so popular, people create animations for them using them as the base model, and just pick which ever bone they see for creating animations. Who cares about building animations so the generally accepted standard 'TDA' MMD Models can work fine with them amiright? /s
Also, do you know how hard it is to find out if a .vmd motion file is expecting a bone but your model doesn't have it? Currently, it's pretty darn hard to find out. Maybe I might have to build some sort of tool to analyze a vmd file to find out if all bone exists on your armature or not... But I have no idea how to do that right now....
/end rant
Anyway, download below.
- Also, bugfix to Issue #9