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SuperTux Bot edited this page Aug 4, 2024 · 4 revisions

This file is auto-generated from the SuperTux source code, using the template


Base class for all dynamic/moving game objects.




This class inherits functions and variables from the following base classes:

The following classes inherit functions and variables from this class:

  • AmbientSound
  • AngryStone
  • BadGuy
  • BezierMarker
  • BicyclePlatformChild
  • BigSnowball
  • Block
  • BonusBlock
  • Boss
  • BouncingSnowball
  • Brick
  • Bullet
  • Bumper
  • Candle
  • CaptainSnowball
  • CirclePlatform
  • Climbable
  • Coin
  • ConveyorBelt
  • CorruptedGranito
  • CorruptedGranitoBig
  • Crusher
  • CrusherRoot
  • Crystallo
  • Dart
  • DartTrap
  • Decal
  • Dispenser
  • DiveMine
  • Door
  • Explosion
  • FallBlock
  • Firefly
  • FishChasing
  • FishHarmless
  • FishJumping
  • FishSwimming
  • Flame
  • Flower
  • FlyingSnowBall
  • GhostTree
  • Ghoul
  • GoldBomb
  • Granito
  • GranitoBig
  • GranitoGiant
  • GrowUp
  • Haywire
  • HeavyBrick
  • HeavyCoin
  • HurtingPlatform
  • Igel
  • InfoBlock
  • InvisibleBlock
  • InvisibleWall
  • Ispy
  • Jumpy
  • KamikazeSnowball
  • Key
  • Kugelblitz
  • Lantern
  • LeafShot
  • LevelTile
  • LitObject
  • LiveFire
  • LiveFireAsleep
  • LiveFireDormant
  • MagicBlock
  • MarkerObject
  • Mole
  • MoleRock
  • MovingSprite
  • MrBomb
  • MrIceBlock
  • MrTree
  • NodeMarker
  • OneUp
  • Owl
  • ParticleZone
  • Plant
  • Platform
  • Player
  • PneumaticPlatformChild
  • PowerUp
  • PushButton
  • RCrystallo
  • ResizeMarker
  • Rock
  • Root
  • RootSapling
  • RubLight
  • RustyTrampoline
  • SCrystallo
  • SSpiky
  • ScriptTrigger
  • ScriptedObject
  • SecretAreaTrigger
  • SequenceTrigger
  • Shard
  • ShortFuse
  • SkyDive
  • SmartBall
  • SmartBlock
  • Snail
  • SnowBall
  • SnowExplosionParticle
  • Snowman
  • SpawnPointMarker
  • SpawnPointObject
  • SpecialRiser
  • SpecialTile
  • Spiky
  • Spotlight
  • SpriteChange
  • SpritedTrigger
  • Stalactite
  • Star
  • StickyBadguy
  • StickyObject
  • StickyTrigger
  • Stumpy
  • Switch
  • Tarantula
  • Teleporter
  • TextArea
  • Toad
  • Torch
  • Totem
  • Trampoline
  • TreeWillOWisp
  • Trigger
  • UnstableTile
  • ViciousIvy
  • WalkingBadguy
  • WalkingCandle
  • WalkingLeaf
  • WaterDrop
  • WeakBlock
  • WillOWisp
  • Wind
  • WorldMapObject
  • Yeti
  • YetiStalactite
  • Zeekling


Method Explanation
float get_x() Returns the object's X coordinate.
float get_y() Returns the object's Y coordinate.
void set_pos(float x, float y) Sets the position of the object.
void move(float x, float y) Moves the object by x units to the right and y down, relative to its current position.
float get_width() Returns the object's hitbox width.
float get_height() Returns the object's hitbox height.





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