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haplokuon edited this page May 6, 2023 · 1 revision

DimensionStyleOverrideType Enumeration

netDxf 3.0.0 Library

Dimension style override types.


Namespace: netDxf.Tables
Assembly: netDxf (in netDxf.dll) Version: 3.0.0


public enum DimensionStyleOverrideType


Public Enumeration DimensionStyleOverrideType


public enum class DimensionStyleOverrideType


type DimensionStyleOverrideType


There is one dimension style override type for each property of the DimensionStyle class. The dimension style properties DIMBLK and DIMSAH are not available. The overrides always make use of the DIMBLK1 and DIMBLK2 setting the DIMSAH to true even when both arrow ends are the same.


DimLineColor 0 Assigns colors to dimension lines, arrowheads, and dimension leader lines.
DimLineLinetype 1 Linetype of the dimension line.
DimLineLineweight 2 Lineweight to dimension lines.
DimLine1Off 3 Suppresses display of the first dimension line.
DimLine2Off 4 Suppresses display of the second dimension line.
DimLineExtend 5 Distance the dimension line extends beyond the extension line when oblique, architectural tick, integral, or no marks are drawn for arrowheads.
ExtLineColor 6 Colors to extension lines, center marks, and centerlines.
ExtLine1Linetype 7 Linetype of the first extension line.
ExtLine2Linetype 8 Linetype of the second extension line.
ExtLineLineweight 9 Lineweight to extension lines.
ExtLine1Off 10 Suppresses display of the first extension line.
ExtLine2Off 11 Suppresses display of the second extension line.
ExtLineOffset 12 Specifies how far extension lines are offset from origin points.
ExtLineExtend 13 Specifies how far to extend the extension line beyond the dimension line.
ExtLineFixed 14 Enables fixed length extension lines.
ExtLineFixedLength 15 Total length of the extension lines starting from the dimension line toward the dimension origin.
DimArrow1 16 Arrowhead block for the first end of the dimension line.
DimArrow2 17 Arrowhead block for the second end of the dimension line.
LeaderArrow 18 Arrowhead block for leaders.
ArrowSize 19 Size of dimension line and leader line arrowheads. Also controls the size of hook lines.
CenterMarkSize 20 Drawing of circle or arc center marks and centerlines.
TextStyle 21 Text style of the dimension.
TextColor 22 Color of dimension text.
TextFillColor 23 Color of background dimension text.
TextHeight 24 Height of dimension text, unless the current text style has a fixed height.
TextVerticalPlacement 25 Vertical position of text in relation to the dimension line.
TextHorizontalPlacement 26 Horizontal positioning of dimension text.
TextInsideAlign 27 Positioning of the dimension text inside extension lines.
TextOutsideAlign 28 Positioning of the dimension text outside extension lines.
TextOffset 29 Distance around the dimension text when the dimension line breaks to accommodate dimension text.
TextDirection 30 Specifies the direction of the dimension text.
TextFractionHeightScale 31 Controls the scale of fractions relative to dimension text height.
FitDimLineForce 32 Controls the drawing of the dimension lines even when the text are placed outside the extension lines.
FitDimLineInside 33 Controls the drawing of dimension lines outside extension lines.
DimScaleOverall 34 Overall scale factor applied to dimensioning variables that specify sizes, distances, or offsets.
FitOptions 35 Controls the placement of text and arrowheads based on the space available between the extension lines.
FitTextInside 36 Controls the drawing of text between the extension lines.
FitTextMove 37 Controls the position of the text when it's moved either manually or automatically.
AngularPrecision 38 Number of precision places displayed in angular dimensions.
LengthPrecision 39 Number of decimal places displayed for the primary units of a dimension.
DimPrefix 40 Specifies the text prefix for the dimension.
DimSuffix 41 Specifies the text suffix for the dimension.
DecimalSeparator 42 Single-character decimal separator to use when creating dimensions whose unit format is decimal.
DimScaleLinear 43 Scale factor for linear dimension measurements
DimLengthUnits 44 Units for all dimension types except angular.
DimAngularUnits 45 Units format for angular dimensions.
FractionalType 46 Fraction format when DIMLUNIT is set to Architectural or Fractional.
SuppressLinearLeadingZeros 47 Suppresses leading zeros in linear decimal dimensions (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5000).
SuppressLinearTrailingZeros 48 Suppresses trailing zeros in linear decimal dimensions (for example, 12.5000 becomes 12.5).
SuppressAngularLeadingZeros 49 Suppresses leading zeros in angular decimal dimensions (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5000).
SuppressAngularTrailingZeros 50 Suppresses trailing zeros in angular decimal dimensions (for example, 12.5000 becomes 12.5).
SuppressZeroFeet 51 Suppresses zero feet in architectural dimensions.
SuppressZeroInches 52 Suppresses zero inches in architectural dimensions.
DimRoundoff 53 Value to round all dimensioning distances.
AltUnitsEnabled 54 Controls the display of the alternate units.
AltUnitsLengthUnits 55 Alternate units for all dimension types except angular.
AltUnitsStackedUnits 56 Controls if the Architectural or Fractional linear units will be shown stacked or not.
AltUnitsLengthPrecision 57 Number of decimal places displayed for the alternate units of a dimension.
AltUnitsMultiplier 58 Multiplier used as the conversion factor between primary and alternate units.
AltUnitsRoundoff 59 Value to round all alternate units of a dimension except angular.
AltUnitsPrefix 60 Specifies the alternate units text prefix for the dimension.
AltUnitsSuffix 61 Specifies the alternate units text suffix for the dimension.
AltUnitsSuppressLinearLeadingZeros 62 Suppresses alternate units leading zeros in linear decimal dimensions (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5000).
AltUnitsSuppressLinearTrailingZeros 63 Suppresses alternate units trailing zeros in linear decimal dimensions (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5000).
AltUnitsSuppressZeroFeet 64 Suppresses alternate units zero feet in architectural dimensions.
AltUnitsSuppressZeroInches 65 Suppresses alternate units zero inches in architectural dimensions.
TolerancesDisplayMethod 66 Method for calculating the tolerance.
TolerancesUpperLimit 67 Maximum or upper tolerance value. When you select Symmetrical in DisplayMethod, this value is used for the tolerance.
TolerancesLowerLimit 68 Minimum or lower tolerance value.
TolerancesVerticalPlacement 69 Text vertical placement for symmetrical and deviation tolerances.
TolerancesPrecision 70 Gets or sets the number of decimal places.
TolerancesSuppressLinearLeadingZeros 71 Suppresses leading zeros in linear decimal tolerance units (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5000).
TolerancesSuppressLinearTrailingZeros 72 Suppresses trailing zeros in linear decimal tolerance units (for example, 12.5000 becomes 12.5).
TolerancesSuppressZeroFeet 73 Suppresses zero feet in architectural tolerance units.
TolerancesSuppressZeroInches 74 Suppresses zero inches in architectural tolerance units.
TolerancesAlternatePrecision 75 Number of decimal places of the tolerance alternate units.
TolerancesAltSuppressLinearLeadingZeros 76 Suppresses leading zeros in linear decimal alternate tolerance units (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5000).
TolerancesAltSuppressLinearTrailingZeros 77 Suppresses trailing zeros in linear decimal alternate tolerance units (for example, 12.5000 becomes 12.5).
TolerancesAltSuppressZeroFeet 78 Suppresses zero feet in architectural alternate tolerance units.
TolerancesAltSuppressZeroInches 79 Suppresses zero inches in architectural alternate tolerance units.

See Also


netDxf.Tables Namespace

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