Install the 32-bit version of love (
Clone a copy of the repository
git clone
We recommend using GitHub Desktop as it manages login for you and makes working with git easier.
We recommend developing and running the game using Visual Studio Code.
You can setup VSCode with a debugger and more following this tutorial.
Alternatively, you can edit with your own favorite text editor and run love from the command line
cd Panel-Attack
love ./
or via drag and drop with the repository folder (not recommended).
The beta branch is where we do all main development.
All pull requests require a review by a maintainer (or 1 review and written by a maintainer).
Feature and bug commits are done by maintainers using squash merges.
Merges are done by the maintainers as merge commits.
The best place to coordinate contributions is through the issue tracker and the official Discord server.
If you have an idea, please reach out in the #pa-development channel of the discord or on github to make sure others agree and coordinate.
After coordinating with others, post pull requests against the beta
Try to follow the following code guidelines when contributing:
- Separate functionality into separate files that only interact with each other as much as needed
- Avoid globals
- Make smaller methods
- Don’t duplicate code, break it into smaller reusable chunks and use that in both spots
- Writing tests for how the code should work is extremely beneficial
- Follow the formatting guidelines below
- Constants should be local to a file / scope unless they need to be shared everywhere
- Avoid the use of shortlived tables and consider pooling if you can't
- Constants should be
- Class names start with a capital like
- All other names use
- You should set your editor to use 2 spaces of identation. (not tabs)
- Set your column width to 1000
- All control flow like if and functions should be on multiple lines, not condensed into a single line. Putting it all on a single line can make it harder to follow the flow.
For those using VSCode we recommend using this styling extension with the configuration file in the repository named VsCodeStyleConfig.lua-format
Beginning of the month:
beta feature development followed by a release
Mid month:
Stop landing new features and only add bug fixes
After last tournament of the month:
Merge beta into stable and release
Hot fix stable as needed
Release notes are posted in #panel-attack-updates on the discord when updates go out.
Big comment
Comment parameter names inline
return self:pop_all_ready_garbage(frame, true--[[just_peeking]])
Lua Manual
Love2d Tutorial
To make a release we create a love file and put it on the server. Change the name of the love file to the output of a command like this:
echo "panel-$(date -u "+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S").love"
echo "panel-beta-$(date -u "+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S").love"
Secure copy the file to the server in correct folder on the server.
scp -i privatekey.pem [email protected]:updates
scp -i privatekey.pem [email protected]:beta-updates
Test that the game updates properly.
Post release notes in #panel-attack-updates on the discord.
First make a love file, then copy that all into the auto updater folder and make that a love file.
Then copy the windows files in to your release folder.
Tack the autoupdater love file on the end of the exe.
Release a zip of the whole release directory.
More details and scripts to follow.