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ufrisk edited this page Jul 6, 2023 · 2 revisions


The MemProcFS search API for Python consists of two primary objects:

Searches can be performed either asynchronously (non-blocking) or synchronously (blocking).

For additional information about how searches may be conducted see the examples.

synchronous search:

  1. Instantiate the search object (VmmSearch or VmmYara) using one of the sources.
  2. Perform additional configuration of the search object.
    This is optional for the YARA search.
    For the binary search at least one search term must be added with .add_search().
  3. Start the search and retrieve the search results with a call to .result(). It may take some time for the search to complete.

asynchronous search:

  1. Instantiate the search object (VmmSearch or VmmYara) using one of the sources.
  2. Perform additional configuration of the search object.
    This is optional for the YARA search.
    For the binary search at least one search term must be added with .add_search().
  3. Start the search in the background with a call to .start().
  4. Monitor the progress of the search by reading .is_completed or .addr_current.
    Optionally abort the search by calling .abort().
    Poll the partial result with calls to .poll()
  5. When the search is completed - retrieve the final results with a call to .result(). If search is not yet completed this function will block until the search is completed (or aborted).


Represents a binary search object.


The example shows a search for the PE MZ header in physical address space. Only the first 3 matches are shown.


  • - search physical memory.
  • - search process virtual memory.


search.addr_current    # int: current address being searched. ex: search.addr_current -> 65535
search.bytes_searched  # int: number of bytes searched so far. ex: search.bytes_searched -> 402673664
search.is_aborted      # bool: search is aborted. ex: search.is_aborted -> False
search.is_completed    # bool: search is completed. ex: search.is_completed -> True
search.is_completed_success # bool: search is successfully completed. ex: search.is_completed_success -> True
search.is_started      # bool: search is started. ex: search.is_started -> True
search.num_searches    # int: number of search terms added with add_search. ex: search.num_searches -> 1             # int: process id (if virtual memory search). ex: -> 4
search.addr_max        # int: max address to search. ex: search.addr_max -> 140737488355327
search.addr_min        # int: min address to search. ex: search.addr_min -> 0
search.flags           # int: combination of one or multiple memprocfs.FLAGS_*. ex: search.flags -> 1


# Add a search term.
# Up to 16 search terms may be added.
# -- search = bytes: search term (max 32 bytes).
# -- mask = opt bytes: wildcard mask (bit 1 = wildcard bit) no longer than search. Or None.
# -- alignment = opt int: search alignment in bytes from page start, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 .. 4096.
# -- return = int: the id of the search term.
search.add_search(bytes: search, opt bytes: mask, opt int: alignment) # -> int
# examples:
#   search.add_search(b'MZ') -> 0
#   search.add_search(b'MZ', None, 0x1000) -> 1

# Abort an ongoing search.
# example:
#   search.abort()

# Start searching asynchronously in the background.
# example:
#   search.start()

# Poll an ongoing search and retrieve any search matches already found (non-blocking).
# -- return = list: list of matches. A match consists of the address and the search term id.
search.poll() # -> list
# example:
#   search.poll() ->
#   [[104648704, 0], [8791713890304, 0], ...]

# Retrieve all search results from a search (blocking).
# -- return = list: list of matches. A match consists of the address and the search term id.
search.result() # -> list
# example:
#   search.result() ->
#   [[104648704, 0], [8791713890304, 0], ...]


Represents a YARA search object.


The example shows a search for the PE MZ header in process virtual address space. Only the first 2 matches are shown.


  • vmm.search_yara() - search physical memory.
  • process.search_yara() - search process virtual memory.


yara.addr_current    # int: current address being searched. ex: yara.addr_current -> 65535
yara.bytes_searched  # int: number of bytes searched so far. ex: yara.bytes_searched -> 402673664
yara.is_aborted      # bool: search is aborted. ex: yara.is_aborted -> False
yara.is_completed    # bool: search is completed. ex: yara.is_completed -> True
yara.is_completed_success # bool: search is successfully completed. ex: yara.is_completed_success -> True
yara.is_started      # bool: search is started. ex: yara.is_started -> True
yara.max_results     # int: maximum number of search results. ex: yara.max_results -> 65536             # int: process id (if virtual memory search). ex: -> 4
yara.addr_max        # int: max address to search. ex: yara.addr_max -> 140737488355327
yara.addr_min        # int: min address to search. ex: yara.addr_min -> 0
yara.flags           # int: combination of one or multiple memprocfs.FLAGS_*. ex: yara.flags -> 1


# Abort an ongoing search.
# example:
#   yara.abort()

# Start searching asynchronously in the background.
# example:
#   yara.start()

# Poll an ongoing search and retrieve any search matches already found (non-blocking).
# -- return = list: list of matches. A match consists of the address and the search term id.
yara.poll() # -> list
# example:
#   yara.poll() ->
#   [{'id': 'mz_header', 'tags': [], 'meta': [], 'matches': {'MZ': [33816576]}}, ...]

# Retrieve all search results from a search (blocking).
# -- return = list: list of matches. A match consists of the address and the search term id.
yara.result() # -> list
# example:
#   yara.result() ->
#   [{'id': 'mz_header', 'tags': [], 'meta': [], 'matches': {'MZ': [33816576]}}, ...]
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