Player Accessibility#16
clpetersonucf merged 16 commits intoucfopen:dev/1.3.0from FrenjaminBanklin:issue/9-player-accessibilityJul 24, 2019
Commits on May 20, 2019
ucfopen#9 Tab order is worked out, letter grid highlighting fixed and it seems like repetitive readings have been squashed.
committed- committed
ucfopen#9 Added interactions to clue list to read out the letters currently provided for a word or indicate which (if any) letters are missing for a word.
Commits on May 28, 2019
ucfopen#9 Ctrl+Alt+Key combos seem to function properly in IE11, since there's no way of preventing default keybinds from firing.
committeducfopen#9 Added helper to clue list keyboard shortcuts to repeat the current clue. Replaced all ':' characters with '.' to make the readout (hopefully) more friendly with JAWS.