The 2-opt is an algorithm that locally reduces the length of a path between points. It helps in the resolution of the Travelling Salesman Problem.
This mini-project is made with the C++ library SFML.
The traveling salesman problem consists of a set of n cities, where each city can reach all the other cities with a road. The goal for the traveling salesman is to visit all those cities once and get back to his depart point, using the shortest road as possible.
The set of all cities is represented with a weighted complete graph, the weight of each edge corresponding to the distance between the two cities.
It is impossible to know efficiently the exact solution of such a problem, as soon as the number of cities is large (even 20 cities can take a relly long time), the complexity of the algorithm consisting of testing all the paths is in O(n!). The algorithm of the 2-opt, which runs in O(n²), will only give a relatively small path, but we won't be any mean to know if the result will be the shortest...
To build the executable file, just type make
in a terminal in the current folder.
The generated executable is 2_opt
usage : 2_opt [options]
-h show help
-n number set the number of cities (default 10, de type int)
-x|-y number size of the window (default 800*600)
More about 2-opt : Wikipedia.