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Tableau Migration App

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The Tableau Migration App can be downloaded from the releases page of this repo.

The purpose of the Tableau Migration App is to provide users with a method to perform simple migrations from their Tableau Server to Tableau Cloud. This app is meant to accompany the Tableau Manual Migration Guide and replace the work required for the migration steps.

Tableau Migration App
  • The migration app uses the Tableau Migration SDK under the hood, and supports all migration resources that the SDK offers.

    • At the time of this writing, this includes:
      • Users
      • Groups
      • Projects
      • Data Sources
      • Workbooks
      • Extract Refresh Tasks
      • Custom Views
  • Basic mapping options are provided in the app for username migrations.

  • A simplified view of ongoing migration progress.


Tableau Server and Cloud URLs

Tableau Migration App URL Fields

The fields in this section are for providing the URIs of the Tableau Server you wish to migrate from, and the Tableau Cloud you wish to migrate to.

These URIs can be found from your browser address bar when logging into the respective Tableau products, or is what you use when connecting from Tableau Desktop.

The Base URI and Site Name fields will automatically extract the appropriate information based on the URI provided. Double check that these are correct before moving forward.

Note: Multi-site environments will show the /site/ as part of the URI. If yours does not have one, it is not a problem, and just means that you only have a single site; the Default site.

Personal Access Tokens

Tableau Migration App Token Fields

Personal Access Tokens (PATs) are used by the app to programmatically access and make changes to the corresponding Tableau Products.

PATs can be generated in your Tableau Environment by going to

Users > {Your User Here} > Settings > Personal Access Tokens

Where you will be prompted to provide a Token name and a Create Token button.

Tableau Migration PAT

Once created, a secret will be provided to you for that PAT.

Tableau PAT Details

The Token Name is to be filled in the PAT Name field of the Migration app, and the Secret goes in the PAT field.

This will need to be done separately for both the source Tableau Server and the destination Tableau Cloud. Each PAT only provides access to the system it was geneated on.

Note The PAT will only provide access to resources of which the user is authorized to have. Resources of which the PAT owner does not have access to will not be migrated.

User Mappings

!Important! Users in Tableau Cloud must have a username in the form of an email. Since Tableau Server does not have this restriction, we've provided different ways for you to designate how the users should be migrated if they don't currently follow this format. The different cases are detailed below.

The order of priority of defined mappings for the migration are as such:

  1. CSV Defined mapping
  2. Username already in email format
  3. User has an associated Email
  4. Default Domain Mapping

Meaning that if a defined mapping is found for a user in the CSV file, that mapping will be used even if the user has an associated email.

The following sections will detail more about each mapping option.

Username Already in Email format

If a username is already in an email format, then nothing will need to be done and the User will be migrated over as is.

User has an Associated Email

If a user has an associated email set to the profile, that email will instead be used for the user when migrating.

Default Domain Mapping

Tableau Migration App Token Fields

We also provide a default domain mapping. When this is done, all users will have their names appended with that domain to create an email.

e.g. If a User with username PeterP is to be migrated, and the Default User Domain is set to, then that user will be migrated to Tableau Cloud as [email protected]

This option can be disabled by clicking the checkbox. In which case, users that do not have a mapping found from the other options will not be migrated to Tableau Cloud.

Note Users containing illegal email characters in their usernames will still fail migration even with a default domain mapped. For example [][email protected] is not a valid username for Tableau Cloud.

Note2 Users with a space in their Tableau Server usernames such as Renee Montoya will have their spaces replaced with a . instead, becoming [email protected].

CSV Mapping

Tableau Migration App Token Fields

For more fine-grained control over how individual users are migrated, you can define specific user mappings in a CSV file.

To do so, the file should contain one user mapping per line, separated by a comma (,).

i.e. Every line should look like: {TableauServerUserName},{TableauCloudUsername}

The {TableauServerUserName} MUST match the username exactly and is case sensitive. Or else the user will not be mapped.

Here is an example of what the file format should be like.


Timmy Turner, [email protected]
Velma Dinkley, [email protected]
Leonardo, [email protected]

Note Starting and trailing white spaces will be trimmed. user1 , [email protected] is the same as user1,[email protected] for the sake of legibility.


Ongoing outputs of the running Migration will be shown in the output window.

Tableau Migration App Output

Once migration of a resource is completed, whether successful or not, an associated message will show in the window.

Tableau Migration App Output


Application logs can be found in the Logs folder from where the application is run. These logs contain all the REST requests made by the underlying Tableau Migration SDK to the Tableau environments to perform the migration.

These logs can be used to provide further insight to the ongoing status and/or errors of the migration.

Cancelling a Migration

When a migration is running, a Cancel Migration button will appear. If you want to stop the current migration, you can click this button. Doing so will also present you with a dialog window to save a manifest file.

Tableau Migration App Save Manifest

This manifest can be used to Resume a migration at a later time and continue where you left off.

Resuming a Migration

If you have a manifest file saved from a previous run, you can resume a migration by selecting the dropdown arrow on the right side of the Start Migration button and selecting Resume Migration.

Tableau Migration App Output


The application is taking a long time, is it stuck?!

Check the logs. It could be that the current resource is really large and is taking a long time to migrate.

Or that the application has hit its limit on the number of requests it can make in the current time frame, and is currently waiting until it can send more. In this case, the logs messages should mention how much longer it needs to wait for.

How do I migrate items with more specific logic rules?

If you want finer control over how migration is handled, such as renaming resources or applying special rules such as re-assigning resources, then it is recommended that you use the Tableau Migration SDK to programmatically perform the migration.

How do I exclude certain items from being migrated?

You can either delete the items after the migration is performed, or you will have to use the Tableau Migration SDK

What order will my resources get migrated in?

Resources are first sorted from largest to smallest, and migrated in that order.