Rileyo-Zombie ALStadt 1.1 (Checksum: SULS)
Changelog vs Zombie 1.7.2
Admin techs now give 7.5% admin efficiency each (up from 5%)
Education techs now give 5-10% research points, equivalent deducted from research point techs
Last 2 education techs give 20% education efficiency (up from 10%)
Geneva convention gives -0.05 infamy decay but is removed by gas attack
Consolidated several cultures in india, central asia, south america and africa
Added Galician culture in Spain and Siebenbrugen in Romania
Brought over assimilation and colonial migration from Igor Puir
Altered immigration to make it more balanced for America and allows non-American countries to attract primary culture pops
Added decisions for all main mp nations that give cores and/or accepted pops
Rebalanced literacy and corrected non-accepted literacy issues
Added dominions of India and South Africa as playable mp nations
Chinese pops nerfed to 35% of vanilla pops but are more Consolidated
Scandinavia and American nations (not USA) gained pop buffs
Consolidated many states for it to be easier to recruit and take in peace deals