Releases: rileyo92/Rileyo-Zombie-ALStadt
Rileyo Zombie Alstalt 1.2.1 (Checksum: ZHRP)
Rileyo-Zombie ALStadt 1.2 (Checksum: UVVV)
1.2 Changes
Mechanical Changes
Added a revanchism mechanic which increase both the promotion rate and solider caps above 10% revanchism
Increased the migration rate but reduced bias to certain nations
Infamy cost to truce break decreased to 5 infamy (was 12 infamy)
CB Changes
Minor Conquest CB base time to justify decreased to 300 days (was 400 days)
Conquest CB infamy cost decreased to 20 (was 22 infamy), base time to justify increased to 500 days (was 400 days)
Add to Sphere and Take from Sphere CBs infamy cost decreased to 3 (was 4 infamy)
Acquire Substate CB base time to justify decreased to 300 days (was 400 days)
Acquire State CB infamy cost decreased to 10 (was 11 infamy)
Take Capital CB base time to justify decreased to 500 days (was 800 days)
Free People CB infamy cost decreased to 6 (was 7.5 infamy)
Liberate Country CB infamy cost increased to 12.5 (was 11 infamy), base time to justify increased to 400 days (was 200 days)
Make (Medium) Puppet CB base time to justify increased to 300 days (was 200 days)
Humiliate CB infamy cost decreased to 3 (was 4 infamy)
Cut Down to Size CB infamy cost decreased to 12.5 (was 13 infamy)
Dismantle Fortifications CB infamy cost decreased to 3 (was 4 infamy)
Install and Dismantle Communism CB base time decreased to 150 days (was 200 days)
Demand Concession CB base time to justify reduced to 150 days (was 200 days)
Demand Capital Concession infamy cost decreased to 7.5 (was 10 infamy), base time to justify increased to 300 days (was 200 days)
Establish Protectorate CB base time to justify increased to 300 days (was 200 days)
Treaty Port CB base time to justify decreased to 150 days (was 200 days)
Country-Specific Changes
South Africa no longer accepts British
Haiti now accepts all afro cultures
Italy no longer can accept Slovenes and Croatians, instead gets decision to increase life rating and Italian pops in Dalmatia
Turkey can now accept Misri if it abandons the Balkans
Added decision for Romania to increase it's accepted pops
Yugoslavia now has only one formation decision and gained a decision to integrate Greece
Abandoning Austria for Czechoslovakia now reduces German pops in Czechoslovakia, gives Polish accepted immediately
Buffed Indochinese nations with more accepted pops via decision
Most major uncivilized nations now start with more reforms/techs
Eritrea is now owned and cored by Ethiopia instead of Egypt
Japan now has decision to gain a slightly discounted conquest wargoal on Korea if Korea is ai
Korea can now accept Manchu via decision
Greece Megali idea and form Byzantium decisions increase Greek pops in Anatolia at expense of Turkish pops, infamy reductions replaced with infamy penalties
Map/Pop changes
Hazara and Tajik cultures merged into Pashtun/Turkic
Moluccan merged into Melanesian
Added Corsican culture, accepted by both Italy and France
Brest and Pinsk states merged, fixed Luhansk/Kherson states
India no longer releasable
Estonian pops buffed
Vietnam reduced to 2 states from 3
Korea is now split up into 6 states instead of 4
Chinese states are more Consolidated
Rileyo-Zombie ALStadt 1.1 (Checksum: SULS)
Changelog vs Zombie 1.7.2
Admin techs now give 7.5% admin efficiency each (up from 5%)
Education techs now give 5-10% research points, equivalent deducted from research point techs
Last 2 education techs give 20% education efficiency (up from 10%)
Geneva convention gives -0.05 infamy decay but is removed by gas attack
Consolidated several cultures in india, central asia, south america and africa
Added Galician culture in Spain and Siebenbrugen in Romania
Brought over assimilation and colonial migration from Igor Puir
Altered immigration to make it more balanced for America and allows non-American countries to attract primary culture pops
Added decisions for all main mp nations that give cores and/or accepted pops
Rebalanced literacy and corrected non-accepted literacy issues
Added dominions of India and South Africa as playable mp nations
Chinese pops nerfed to 35% of vanilla pops but are more Consolidated
Scandinavia and American nations (not USA) gained pop buffs
Consolidated many states for it to be easier to recruit and take in peace deals
Rileyo-Zombie ALStadt 1.0 Prerelease
I will write up an in-depth change log for differences compared to both Rileyo ALStadt 1.6.2 and Zombie's ALStadt 1.7.2 as this is a merger of those mods + extras