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Chris Petersen edited this page Oct 16, 2014 · 1 revision

instance-delete deletes the specified instance (and runs its end hook). Returns true on success, false otherwise.

Note: Instances cannot be deleted while a case is running.

Parameter Description
store Data store name
instance Name of instance to be deleted


Example 1: From a data collection file that needs a special treatment of one of its previously loaded plugins: Start a case using the plugin framework to record the raw binary file using rawoutput BUT do not output trends using trendoutput because this part of the code does that by itself at the end of the "good" case.

(instance-delete store "TRENDOUT")
(instance-setvar! store "RAWOUT" "OutputPath" appname:curoutputfolder)
(runtime-startcase store (time->timestamp (current-time)))
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