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Preparing for Release

Walt K edited this page Aug 1, 2018 · 5 revisions


In the below, replace <app> with the name of your application (either the name of the directory in which your app resides, or the value of CFBundleExecutable in Info.plist if you have edited it manually). Additionally, <locase_app> refers to <app> with all letters in lowercase.

  1. At Apple Developer, under the sidebar in Identifiers > App IDs, create a bundle ID for your app. This must be the same as the value of CFBundleIdentifier in your Info.plist file. For LambdaNative apps, this will be SYS_ORGTLD.SYS_ORGSLD.<locase_app>, where SYS_ORGTLD and SYS_ORG_SLD are as declared in the PROFILE file.
  2. At iTunes Connect, create a new app with name <app>. For bundle ID, select from the dropdown the ID that was just created in the previous step.
  3. Build the app in release mode using ./configure <app> ios release followed by make.
  4. After the app has been successfully built, it will output the location of your .ipa file (e.g. ~/Library/Caches/lambdanative/packages/<app>.ipa).
  5. In the Xcode menu, select Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader, login to your iTunes Connect account, and choose the .ipa file that was just created.
  6. Continue with the process normally on iTunes Connect.
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