- Install open3D Library
pip install open3d-python
Please first run view_point_experiment.py to adjust your view point based on your monitor and preference. This file will generate a json file to represent the view parameter, please replace the json file in video_generator.py.
In order to direct use this code, please change your label file to the same format of KITTI dataset. Or modifiy the function in helper_functions.py and vis_utils.py.
Run vis_train_val.py to get your required output. Need to set the correct path in the code.
- image_with_gt_2d_bbox: Draw 2d ground truth bounding box into images
- image_with_3d_bbox : Draw 3d bounding box into images
- image_for_point_cloud_wo_bbox : Raw point cloud images
- image_for_lidar_with_3d_bbox : Draw bounding box into 2d bird eye view images
- image_for_point_cloud : Point Cloud with 3d bounding box
Parameter.py contains all the necessary parameters when generating output images.
Example output video please see: https://youtu.be/7IUUmFAFa-A