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Welcome to the BotBuilder samples repository. Here you will find task-focused samples in C# and Node.js to help you get started with the Bot Builder SDK!


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This repository contains samples for the Microsoft Bot Builder V4 SDK - dotnet SDK, JS SDK.

Samples for the Bot Builder V3 SDK are available here.


Bot Builder provides the most comprehensive experience for building conversation applications and includes the following SDKs and tools:

Please see here for an overview of the end-to-end bot development workflow. To get started, you can create a bot with Azure Bot Service. Click here if you need a trial Azure subscription.

Samples list

Samples are organized per platform and are numbered to provide a suggested reading order.

To use the samples clone this GitHub repository using Git.

    git clone
    cd BotBuilder-Samples

🏃 - Indicates planned and work in progress.

Sample Name Description .NET CORE NodeJS .NET Web API JS (es6) Typescript
1.console-echo Introduces the concept of adapter and demonstrates a simple echo bot on console adapter and how to send a reply and access the incoming message. View View View
1.a.browser-echo Introduces browser adapter View
2.a.echobot Demonstrates how to receive and send messages. View View 🏃 View
2.b.echo-with-counter Demonstrates how to use state. Shows commented out code for all natively supported storage providers. Storage providers should include InMemory and Blob storage. View View View View
3.welcome-user Introduces activity types and provides a welcome message on conversation update activity. View View
4.simple-prompt Demonstrates prompt pattern by prompting user for a property. Introduces user state .vs. conversation state. Ask for name and prints back that information. Uses sequence dialogs if available or default option is to use waterfall dialogs View View
5.multi-turn-prompt Demonstrates more complex pattern by prompting user for multiple properties. Ask for name, age and prints back that information. Uses sequence dialogs if available or default option is to use waterfall dialogs. View View
6.using-cards Introduces all card types including thumbnail, audio, media etc. Builds on Welcoming user + multi-prompt bot by presenting a card with buttons in welcome message that route to appropriate dialog. View View
7.using-adaptive-cards Introduces adaptive cards - demonstrates how the multi-turn dialog can be augmented to also use a card to get user input for name and age. View View
8.suggested-actions Demonstrates how to use suggested actions View View
9.message-routing Demonstrates the main dialog or root dispatcher paradigm. Needs to show how to handle interruptions like cancel, help. View View
10.prompt-validations Demonstrates how to take advantage of different prompt types and prompt validators. View View
11.qnamaker Demonstrates how to use QnA Maker to have simple single-turn conversations View View View View
12.nlp-with-luis Demonstrates how to use LUIS to understand natural language View View View View
13.basic-bot Basic bot template that puts together cards, NLP (LUIS) View View View View
14.nlp-with-dispatch Demonstrates how to dispatch across LUIS, QnA Maker View View
15.handling-attachments Demonstrates how to listen for/handle user provided attachments View View
16.proactive-messages Demonstrates how to send proactive messages to users View View
17.multilingual-bot Using translate middleware to support a multi-lingual bot. Demonstrates custom middleware. View View Bot that demonstrates how to integration with OAuth providers View View
19.custom-dialogs Demonstrates different ways to model conversations. Waterfall .vs. using your own dialog management View View
20.qna-with-appinsights Demonstrates how to use QnA Maker and Azure Application insights View View
21.luis-appinsights Demonstrates how to use LUIS and Azure Application insights View View
22.conversation-history Demonstrates the use of SendConversationHistoryAsync API to upload conversation history stored in the conversation Transcript. View 🏃
23.facebook-events Integrate and consume Facebook specific payloads, such as post-backs, quick replies and opt-in events. View View Demonstrates bot authentication capabilities of Azure Bot Service. Demonstrates utilizing the Microsoft Graph API to retrieve data about the user. View View This bot demonstrates the logging middleware in the nodejs SDK View This bot demonstrates the transcript logging middleware in the nodejs SDK View
30.asp-mvc-bot Demonstrates how to build a bot as an ASP.NET MVC Controller View
40.timex-resolution Demonstrates various ways to parse and manipulate the TIMEX expressions you get from LUIS and the DateTimeRecognizer used by the DateTimePrompt. View View
42.scaleout Demonstrates how you can build your own state solution from the ground up that supports scaled out deployment with ETag based optimistic locking. View 🏃
50.diceroller-skill This sample demonstrates how to implement a Cortana Skill that properly handles EndOfConversation events. View A complete E2E Cafe bot that has all capabilities and includes best practices View View
52.enterprise-bot Enterprise bot that demonstrates use of Dialogs, Template Manager, Dispatch across different services and implementing custom middleware. View View
70.styling-webchat This sample shows how to create a web page with custom Web Chat component. View


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When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA. This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.

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Security issues and bugs should be reported privately, via email, to the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) at [email protected]. You should receive a response within 24 hours. If for some reason you do not, please follow up via email to ensure we received your original message. Further information, including the MSRC PGP key, can be found in the Security TechCenter.


Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the MIT License.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.


Welcome to the BotBuilder samples repository. Here you will find task-focused samples in C# and Node.js to help you get started with the Bot Builder SDK!







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  • C# 53.8%
  • HTML 23.4%
  • JavaScript 13.3%
  • TypeScript 8.9%
  • Other 0.6%