Contoso cafe bot is a complete and fairly sophisticated sample that demonstrates various parts of the BotBuilder V4 SDK and BotBuilder CLI tools in action.
This sample relies on prior knowledge / familiarity with the following tools and services
- QnA Maker
- Ludown CLI tool
- LUIS CLI tool
- QnA Maker CLI tool
- MSBOT CLI tool
- Chatdown CLI tool
- Bot Framework Emulator
Contoso cafe bot is a fairly sophisticated bot sample that uses the following concepts in the BotBuilder V4 SDK and BotBuilder CLI tools -
- Welcoming users
- Using cards to interact with users
- Using suggested actions to solicit user input
- Single and multi-turn conversations with users
- Interruptable, multi-turn conversations
- Support for help and cancel
- Chit-chat conversations
- Routing user input to appropriate dialog
- Handling no-match
- Prompting users for information
- Implementing a custom prompt
- Multi-turn conversations using dialogs
- Implementing custom dialog solution
- Managing user and conversation state
- Using LUIS for Natural Language Processing
- Using QnA Maker for FAQ, chit-chat, getting help and other single-turn conversations
- Using BotBuilder CLI tools to create, configure and manage all required services.
- Clone the samples repository
git clone
- Navigate to the samples folder (
) and openCafeBot.csproj
in Visual Studio. - Run the project (press
- Install the .NET Core CLI tools.
- Using the command line, navigate to
folder. - Type
dotnet run
Microsoft Bot Framework Emulator is a desktop application that allows bot developers to test and debug their bots on localhost or running remotely through a tunnel.
- Install the Bot Framework Emulator from here
- Launch Bot Framework Emulator
- File -> Open Bot Configuration and navigate to
- Select
- Install Node.js
- In a terminal
- Install required tools
npm i -g msbot chatdown ludown luis-apis qnamaker
- Follow instructions here to create an Azure account. If you already have an account, sign in. Click on all services -> search for 'subscriptions' -> copy the subscription ID you would like to use from the Home > Subscriptions page.
- Follow instructions here to create a account. If you already have an account, sign in. Click on your name on top right corner of the screen -> settings and grab your authoring key.
- To create and configure required LUIS and QnA Maker services,
- In a Powershell prompt,
cd BotBuilder-Samples\samples\csharp_dotnetcore\
- To login, run:
az login
- To select your Azure subscription, run:
az account set --subscription "<YOUR SUBSCRIPTION>"
- Run MSbot Clone and pass in your LUIS authoring key and Azure subscription ID. This command will create required services for your bot and update the .bot file.
msbot clone services --name <YOUR-BOT-NAME> --folder DeploymentScripts/MsbotClone --location <Bot service location, ie "westus"> --luisAuthoringKey <YOUR LUIS AUTHORING KEY> --appId <YOUR APP ID> --appSecret <YOUR APP SECRET PASSWORD>
NOTE: You can obtain your appId
and appSecret
at the Microsoft's Application Registration Portal
Important: Ensure that LuisConfiguration in CafeBot.cs matches the name property of your LUIS endpoint in your .bot
Optionally, you can use the LUIS, QnA Maker portals to manually import the models found under CognitiveModels folder of this sample.
Parse .lu files into LUIS models
> ludown parse toluis --in Dialogs/Dispatcher/Resources/ -o cognitiveModels -n cafeDispatchModel --out cafeDispatchModel.luis > ludown parse toluis --in Dialogs/BookTable/Resources/ -o cognitiveModels -n cafeBotBookTableTurnNModel --out cafeBotBookTableTurnN.luis > ludown parse toluis --in Dialogs/WhoAreYou/Resources/ -o cognitiveModels -n getUserProfile --out getUserProfile.luis
Parse .lu files into QnA Maker KB and QnA Maker alterations file
> ludown parse toqna --in Dialogs/Dispatcher/Resources/ -o cognitiveModels -n cafeFaqChitChat --out cafeFaqChitChat.qna -a
Import LUIS applications (Note: You don't need this if you have already run MSBOT clone)
> luis import application --in CognitiveModels/cafeDispatchModel.luis --authoringKey <Your LUIS authoring key> --region <LUIS-Authoring-Region> --msbot | msbot connect luis --stdin > luis import application --in CognitiveModels/cafeBotBookTableTurnN.luis --authoringKey <Your LUIS authoring key> --region <LUIS-Authoring-Region> --msbot | msbot connect luis --stdin > luis import application --in CognitiveModels/getUserProfile.luis --authoringKey <Your LUIS authoring key> --region <LUIS-Authoring-Region> --msbot | msbot connect luis --stdin
Note: LUIS authoring region can be one of westus or westeurope or australiaeast
Import QnA Maker KBs (Note: You don't need this if you have already run MSBOT clone)
> qnamaker create kb --in CognitiveModels/cafeFaqChitChat.qna --subscriptionKey <YOUR QnA Maker Subscription Key> --msbot | msbot connect qna --stdin
Note: See here for instructions on setting up a Cognitive Service API account and fetching your QnA Maker subscription Key.
- Training a LUIS model
> msbot get cafeDispatchModel | luis train version --wait --stdin > msbot get cafeBotBookTableTurnNModel | luis train version --wait --stdin > msbot get getUserProfile | luis train version --wait --stdin
- Publishing a LUIS model
> msbot get cafeDispatchModel | luis publish version --stdin > msbot get cafeBotBookTableTurnNModel | luis publish version --stdin > msbot get getUserProfile | luis publish version --stdin
- Train and publish KB
> msbot get cafeFaqChitChat | qnamaker publish kb --stdin
- Replace QnA Maker alterations
> msbot get cafeFaqChitChat | qnamaker replace alterations --in CognitiveModels/cafeFaqChitChat.qna_Alterations.json --stdin
- Rename current LUIS version
> msbot get cafeDispatchModel | luis rename version --newVersionId 0.1_old --stdin
- Import a LUIS application version
> msbot get cafeDispatchModel | luis import version --stdin --in CognitiveModels/cafeDispatchModel.luis
- Deleting old LUIS application version
> msbot get cafeDispatchModel | luis delete version --stdin --versionId 0.1_old
- Replace KB contents
> msbot get cafeFaqChitChat | qnamaker replace kb --in CognitiveModels/cafeFaqChitChat.qna --stdin