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James Craig Burley edited this page Nov 6, 2017 · 1 revision


Start up Emacs, via terminal, and also via GUI (two sets of tests).

Make sure desired packages are loaded by watching minibuffer area and/or reviewing Messages.

Find a .clj file, make sure various modes (clojure, Paredit, company) are loaded.

Next, try M-x cider-jack-in on a lein project (e.g. my tic-tac-toe starter project).

Make sure lein repl server starts up (it'll be in a separate window) and has REPL, Paredit, ElDoc, and company modes.

Find a .clj in that project, and make sure cider (indicating a REPL server endpoint address) and ElDoc modes are now available, beyond what's available in a vanilla (non-lein-project, non-REPL) .clj buffer.

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