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Notes re New Workstation Creation

James Craig Burley edited this page Feb 15, 2018 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the UnixHome wiki!

Always install Emacs, of course. On Mac OSX, use AquaMacs for now.

Clone/fork UnixHome into one's homedir under a github/ subdir:

mkdir -p github
cd github
git clone ssh:[email protected]/jcburley/UnixHome.git  # or
cd UnixHome/.Setup

Look for instructions and scripts therein, starting in .Setup/. E.g. run the git script to set up the git environment, the bash to set up the bash environment, and so on.

Then log out and back in again, to pick up the env vars and aliases.

Aquamacs looks for ~/.emacs, but not ~/.emacs.d/init.el. Create appropriate symlink.

Windows emacs64 (installed via chocolatey) looks in %APPDATA%\.emacs.d\init.el -- so, use regedit to set HKCU\SOFTWARE\GNU\Emacs\HOME to the correct home directory. But if that's a symlink, it won't find it. (Nor will dired and find-file find it -- but finding the link itself that it displays works fine.) So, just copy GitHub\UnixHome\.emacs.d\init.el into that subdir.

Install Java JDK.

For Clojure programming, install leiningen. ​Need REPL running (e.g. lein) to get autocompletion to work nicely in Emacs. The init.el from above currently installs CIDER and other useful modes for editing, debugging, and running Clojure code.

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