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Patient Survival Data File Format

Tongqiu (Iris) Jia edited this page Jan 29, 2018 · 6 revisions

The patient survival data file is a five-column csv file. The first column represents the TCGA patient ID, and the following columns are vital_status, days_to_death, days_to_last_followup and overall_survival. The following table is a small excerpt of a patient survival data file:

             vital_status  days_to_death  days_to_last_followup  overall_survival
TCGA-2F-A9KT   0             0               2991                   2991
TCGA-4Z-AA7M   0             0               405                    405
TCGA-4Z-AA7Q   1             510             0                      510
TCGA-4Z-AA84   0             0               460                    460
TCGA-4Z-AA89   0             0               1029                   1029

At this time, the patient survival table must currently have the column headers as seen above. The column headers and the values for each column are described below:

Survival Table Column Headers:

  • vital_status: Binary (0/1) value of whether or not the patient is alive (censored). 0 for alive, 1 for dead.
  • days_to_death: If the patient has a death event in the vital_status column, this is the number of days the patient survived from diagonsis. Otherwise the value is 0 if the patient is still alive.
  • days_to_last_followup: If the patient is still alive, this the last time the patient was known to have followed up and was still alive. Otherwise the value is 0 if the patient is dead.
  • overall_survival: This is either the days until the patient's death or until their last follow-up. This is the max of the aforementioned previous 2 columns.

All patient survival data used on our examples can be found here.

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