The Open Bank Project API
The Open Bank Project is an open source API for banks that enables account holders to interact with their bank using a wider range of applications and services.
The OBP API supports transparency options (enabling account holders to share configurable views of their transaction data with trusted individuals and even the public), data blurring (to preserve sensitive information) and data enrichment (enabling users to add tags, comments and images to transactions).
Thus, the OBP API abstracts away the peculiarities of each core banking system so that a wide range of apps can interact with multiple banks on behalf of the account holder. We want to raise the bar of financial transparency and enable a rich ecosystem of innovative financial applications and services.
Our tag line is: Bank as a Platform. Transparency as an Asset.
The API uses OAuth 1.0 authentication.
The project roadmap is available here.
The API documentation is best viewed using the OBP API Explorer or a third party tool that has imported the OBP Swagger definitions. Please refer to the wiki for links.
OBP instances support multiple versions of the API simultaniously (unless they are deactivated in config) To see the status (DRAFT, STABLE or BLEEDING-EDGE) of an API version, look at the root endpoint e.g. /obp/v2.0.0/root or /obp/v3.0.0/root
On the 8th of June 2017, V2.0.0 was marked as stable.
This project is dual licensed under the AGPL V3 (see NOTICE) and commercial licenses from TESOBE Ltd.
The project uses Maven 3 as its build tool.
To compile and run jetty, install Maven 3 and execute:
./ jetty:run
Make sure you have the IntelliJ Scala plugin installed.
Create a new folder e.g. OpenBankProject and cd there
In IntelliJ IDEA do File -> New -> Project from existing sources
Alternatively you can do File -> New -> Project from VCS and checkout the project directly from github.
When / if prompted for SDK, choose Java 1.8 (and Scala 2.11) otherwise keep the defaults. Use the Maven options. Do not change the project name etc.
Navigate to test/scala/code/RunWebApp. You may see a Setup Scala SDK link. Click this and check Scala 2.11.8 or so.
In src/main/resources/props create a test.default.props for tests. Set connector=mapped
In src/main/resources/props create a <yourloginname>.props (or default.props) for development. Set connector=mapped
Now Rebuild the project so everything is compiled. At this point you may need to select the SDK, see above.
Once you have rebuilt the project wihtout compile errors, you should be able to RunWebApp in src/test/scala
Run RunWebApp by right clicking on it or selecting Run. The built in jetty server should start on localhost:8080
Browse to localhost:8080 but don't try anything else there yet.
Run a single test. For instance right click on test/scala/code/branches/MappedBranchProviderTest and select Run Mapp...
Run multiple tests: Right click on test/scala/code and select Run. If need be: Goto Run / Debug configurations Test Kind: Select All in Package Package: Select code Add the absolute /path-to-your-OBP-API in the "working directory" field You might need to assign more memory via VM Options: e.g. -Xmx1512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M
Make sure your test.default.props has the minimum settings (see test.default.props.template)
Right click test/scala/code and select the Scala Tests in code to run them all.
Note: You may want to disable some tests not relevant to your setup e.g.: set bank_account_creation_listener=false in test.default.props
- See pom.xml for test configuration
- See
Set memory options
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx3000m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
Run one test
mvn -DwildcardSuites=code.api.directloginTest test
If you use Ubuntu (or a derivate) and encrypted home directories (e.g. you have ~/.Private), you might run into the following error when the project is built:
uncaught exception during compilation:
[ERROR] File name too long
[ERROR] two errors found
[DEBUG] Compilation failed (CompilerInterface)
The current workaround is to move the project directory onto a different partition, e.g. under /opt/ .
The default database for testing etc is H2. PostgreSQL is used for the sandboxes (user accounts, metadata, transaction cache).
To populate the OBP database with sandbox data:
- In the API's props file, set
Probably best then, is to use the API Explorer (
- Get your
from the API Explorer at/#2_0_0-getCurrentUser
- Add this id to
in the API's props file and restart the API - Go back to API Explorer, log in again and grant your user the role
empty) - Now post the JSON data using the payload field at
- If successful you should see an empty result
and no error message
If Kafka connector is selected in props (connector=kafka), Kafka and Zookeeper have to be installed, as well as OBP-Kafka-Python (which can be either running from command-propmpt or from inside Docker container):
Kafka and Zookeeper can be installed using system's default installer or by unpacking the archives ( and
OBP-Kafka-Python can be downloaded from
- NGINX Configuration for Load Balancing
Create file /etc/nginx/sites-available/api
Configure as follows:
upstream backend { least_conn; server host1:8080; # The name of the server shall be changed as appropriate server host2:8080; server host3:8080; } server { server_name; # The server name should be changed as appropriate access_log /var/log/nginx/api.access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/api.error.log; location / { proxy_pass http://backend/; } location /obp/v2.1.0/sandbox/data-import { proxy_pass http://backend/; } }
- Zookeeper/Kafka Cluster Setup
The Zookeeper/Kafka cluster is deployed on 3 nodes. The following configurations need to be done on each of the three nodes
Zookeeper configuration
Inside the Kafka directory, edit the file conf/ and include these lines:
dataDir=/home/user/zookeeper server.1=host1:2888:3888 # The name of the servers shall be changed as appropriate server.2=host2:2888:3888 server.3=host3:2888:3888 initLimit=5 syncLimit=2
Create a myid file under dataDir which is /home/user/zookeeper in this example:
echo “1” > /home/user/zookeeper/myid #Insert unique id’s on each of the machines
Start the zookpeer daemons on each of the 3 machines
bin/ config/ &
Kafka Configuration
Inside the Kafka directory, edit the file conf/ and include these lines: # The should be unique for each host num.partitions=4 zookeeper.connect=host1:2181,host2:2181,host3:2181
Start the kafka broker daemons on all the machines:
bin/ config/ &
Create the topics:
bin/ --create --zookeeper host1:2181,host2:2181,host3:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic Request bin/ --create --zookeeper host1:2181,host2:2181,host3:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic Response
Edit the OBP-API/src/main/resources/props/default.props so that it contains the following lines. Please note that is used by the producer and kafka.zookeeper_host is used by the consumer. This should be done on each node:
connector=kafka # Address to be used by consumer kafka.zookeeper_host=localhost:2181 # Address to be used by producer kafka.request_topic=Request kafka.response_topic=Response
Start the server:
cd OBP-API mvn jetty:run
Build the package:
cd OBP-JVM mvn install
Run the demo:
java -jar obp-ri-demo/target/obp-ri-demo-2016.9-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar&
Here be aware that the name of the jar file might be different, so make sure to use the correct name of the jar file
- OBP-Kafka-Python
Run from the command line:
cd OBP-Kafka-Python python
- To test the setup, try a request
set the status of HttpOnly and Secure cookie flags for production, uncomment the following lines of "webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml" :
<session-config> <cookie-config> <secure>true</secure> <http-only>true</http-only> </cookie-config> </session-config>
We use jetty8 to run the API in production mode.
Install java and jetty8
jetty 8 configuration
Edit the /etc/default/jetty8 file so that it contains the following settings:
NO_START=0 JETTY_HOST= #If you want your application to be accessed from other hosts, change this to your IP address JAVA_OPTIONS="-Drun.mode=production -XX:PermSize=256M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -Xmx768m -verbose -Dobp.resource.dir=$JETTY_HOME/resources -Dprops.resource.dir=$JETTY_HOME/resources"
In src/main/resources/props create a test.default.props file for tests. Set connector=mapped
In src/main/resources/props create a default.props file for development. Set connector=mapped
In src/main/resources/props create a production.default.props file for production. Set connector=mapped.
This file could be similar to the default.props file created above, or it could include production settings, such as information about Postgresql server, if you are using one. For example, it could have the following line for postgresql configuration.
db.driver=org.postgresql.Driver db.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/yourdbname?user=yourdbusername&password=yourpassword
Now, build the application to generate .war file which will be deployed on jetty8 server:
cd OBP-API/ mvn package
This will generate OBP-API-1.0.war under OBP-API/target/
Copy OBP-API-1.0.war to /usr/share/jetty8/webapps/ directory and rename it to root.war
Edit the /etc/jetty8/jetty.conf file and comment out the lines:
etc/jetty-logging.xml etc/jetty-started.xml
Now restart jetty8:
sudo service jetty8 restart
You should now be able to browse to localhost:8080 (or yourIPaddress:8080)
Most internal OBP model data access now occurs over Akka. This is so the machine that has JDBC access to the OBP database can be physically separated from the OBP API layer. In this configuration we run two instances of OBP-API on two different machines and they communicate over Akka. Please see for instructions.
We use scala and liftweb
Advanced architecture:
A good book on Lift: "Lift in Action" by Timothy Perrett published by Manning.