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Tutorial Scripted FlightGear Interface

jgoppert edited this page Apr 6, 2012 · 3 revisions

Start FlightGear in External FDM Mode

You should be in the jsbsim root folder.

./scripts/ c172p

This starts FlightGear ready for external data packets from jsbsim using a c172p model. It is listening for UDP packets on port localhost:6001.

Start JSBSim

./build/bin/JSBSim --realtime --script=scripts/easystar_cruise_steady_turn_simplex.xml --logdirectivefile=data_output/flightgear.xml

This starts JSBSim, initializes the easystar aircraft. Trims it, linearizes it, and simulates a steady turn for 100 seconds. The output is sent to the UDP port 6001 at 100 Hz.

The Data Output XML File

Located here: data_output/flightgear.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<output name="localhost" type="FLIGHTGEAR" port="6001" protocol="udp" rate="100">

The port specifications can be modified in this file. The UDP packets use the internal flightgear fdm format.