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jgoppert edited this page Apr 6, 2012 · 2 revisions

Install mingw cross env:

This will take around 10 hours to complete so do it overnight.

sudo apt-get install mercurial
mkdir -P ~/home/Projects && cd ~/home/Projects
hg clone
cd mingw-cross-env && make install

Run ranlib over all libs

Some libraries may fail to link correctly. To prevent this rerun ranlib over all the static libraries.

for file in $(find ./usr/i686-pc-mingw32/lib -regex ".+\.a")
    echo fixing $file
    ./user/bin/i686-pc-ming32-ranlib $file

Setup paths

In the file ~/.profile you should create an alias for cmake-mingw

alias cmake-mingw=cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=~/home/Projects/mingw-cross-env/usr/i686-pc-mingw32/share/cmake/mingw-cross-env-conf.cmake

In the file ~/.profile you should also add the cross-compiler to the path so autotools projects can find it.


Download and compile the code

mkdir -P ~/home/Projects && cd ~/home/Projects
git clone git://
cd jsbsim
mkdir -P build-mingw
cd build-mingw && cmake-mingw -DWITH_GUI=y ..

The -DWITH_GUI option enables the trimming gui and can be disabled if necessary by not specifying the option or setting it to "n" instead of "y".

Create a windows installer

This step will create a nullsoft installer that you can use to install jsbsim on your system.

cd ~/src/Projects/jsbsim/build-mingw && cpack