- User makes a network request to application with a Blob file as the body of the request
- The applicaiton keeps the request open, reads the blob, and saves the mp4 locally on the server
scripg gets trigger and breaks up mp4 frame by frame - Runs a model to find a face in the frame, blurs the face and writes new images into a new mp4
- Server sends back the new mp4 and deletes the original
- Make sure pip3 and python3 are set up on your computer
- Activate the virtual environment to set up the python interpreter
sh venv/bin/activate
- Install requirements from requirements file
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Export the name of the flask server file in your terminal session
export FLASK_APP=fb_server.py
- Run the server
python3 -m flask run
This should activate the server on port 5000
- Reference https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/quickstart/ for details
- Run
docker build -t faceblur .
- After the image has built, run
docker run -p 5000:5000 -it faceblur
- The container should be serving over localhost 5000
- Deblob object send to pyscript
- Send data back as blurred video
- Create DockerFile for server code
- Set up ALB (with https)
or APIGW to ping Server - Set up CORS with app ID on either the server, the ALB or Both