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Mod Submission Rules

Bryan Boettcher edited this page Jan 19, 2024 · 19 revisions

Before submitting a mod, make sure it follows the following mod submission rules:

Before you submit, consider the rules

Each mod must adhere to the following rules to be eligible for VoronUsers:

  • Submitted mods must be compatible with at least one VoronDesign 3D printer
  • Mods must be original work by the author. When submitting the mod to this repository, the author confirms that they have not stolen this mod from another user or another website
  • Mods in this repository are goverened by the repository license: GPLv3. If you do not agree with this license, please don't submit your mod here.
  • Mods must be tested, at least by the author. Ideally, more users have built and tested your mod. Join the VoronDesign Discord to find testers! Please don't submit untested mods.
  • Mods must not represent slight modifications of existing mods/existing VoronDesign printer parts. (e.g. inconsequential addition of chamfers/fillets or other changes that don't affect the functionality of a part in a meaningful way)
  • Avoid mandatory use of glue or similar assembly methods. Try to stick to the existing fastener hardware and assembly methods of VoronDesign printers
  • Mods must aim for the same standard that VoronDesign applies to their printers. As such:
    • Mod files must be provided as STL/OBJ and in at least one CAD format (e.g. STEP, IGES, F3D, etc., open formats like STEP are preferred)
    • When submitting STLs, please try to submit them in binary format as this saves space, and allows to preview the STL files on GitHub
    • Printable mod files must be oriented in their intended printing orientation. You can use, e.g. PrusaSlicer to rotate your STLs correctly
    • Printable mod files must be printable without support. If supports are absolutely needed, they should be baked into the model as break-away supports.
    • Printable mod files must be free of errors (i.e. when importing into a Slicer, no errors should be reported)
    • Submitted mod files must not include unmodified Voron parts
    • Submitted documents contain no sensitive data (e.g. API keys)

Anatomy of a mod: folder structure, filenames

If you want to submit a mod and require a starting point, check out the sample mod folder zip file. Simply unzip the contents over your local repository (make sure the SAMPLE_AUTHOR folder ends up in the printer_mods folder) and change folder names and contents accordingly.

In order to help users to find the appropriate files of your mod, please consider the following instructions when submitting your mod:

  • To submit your mod, put it in the printer_mods/ folder
  • Create a subfolder with your name in the appropriate folder, then create further subfolders for each of your mods
  • The following folder tree shows the preferred file layout of your mod. While deviations from this format can be discussed on a case-by-case basis, it is strongly encouraged to adhere to this structure to speed up the review process:
└── printer_mods/
    └── FHeilmann/
        ├── my_mod/
        │   ├── STL/
        │   │   ├── [a]_accent_part.stl
        │   │   └── non_accent_part.stl
        │   ├── CAD/
        │   │   ├── step_file.step
        │   │   └── fusion.f3d
        │   ├── Images/
        │   │   ├── printed.jpg
        │   │   └── assembly_instructions.png
        │   ├── OTHER/
        │   │   ├── BOM.xlsx
        │   │   └── assembly_instructions.pdf
        │   ├──
        │   └── .metadata.yml
        └── another_mod/
            ├── STL/
            │   └── part_1.stl
            ├── CAD/
            ├── Images/
            ├── OTHER/
            └── .metadata.yml
  • All filenames and foldernames in VoronUsers must not have spaces in them! Please stick to letters a-zA-Z, numbers 0-9, underscores _, hyphens -, brackets []() and periods .
  • Please keep in mind that for file and folder names, capitalization matters! Your links and .metadata.yml must use the same capitalization your folders and files do.
  • You can optionally indicate the color and quantity of printable parts:
    • Accent color: [a]_part_xyz.stl
    • Opaque color (Blocks light): [o]_part_xyz.stl
    • Clear/transparent color (Allows light): [c]_part_xyz.stl
    • Quantity, if more than one is needed: part_xyz_x4.stl
  • Please add a short to each mod folder to provide the user with additional information, e.g.
    • Images you provided with your mod
    • BOM for your mod (if required)
    • Assembly instructions
    • Vendor links for specific parts (please don't use referral links)
  • Add an appropriate .metadata.yml file for your mod. Instructions for creating a metadata.yml file are on the wiki.

Thank you for taking the time to read these rules. Head over to the submission tutorial to learn how you can add your mod to this repository and submit it for review.