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How to Submit to VoronUsers

Florian Heilmann edited this page Feb 29, 2024 · 2 revisions


This page will provide the information needed on how to submit a modification to the VoronUsers GitHub repository, which will then also be listed on

The following guide is provided for those familiar with GitHub as well as those that are new to GitHub and would like to use GitHub Desktop.

Mod Requirements

Before you submit your Mod to VoronUsers you need to read and follow the guidelines provided:

1. Existing GitHub Users

If you are familiar with GitHub, the following steps a required to submit a PR for your mod:

  1. Fork the VoronUsers repo to your GitHub account
  2. Check out a local copy of your fork
  3. Create a separate branch (i.e. not main)
  4. Add your files following the guidelines listed above
  5. Open a pull request

Your PR will then be reviewed by the Voron Discord GitHubHelpers team where it will be checked for compliance and errors. They will co-ordinate with you for any updates to the PR that may be required or suggested. Once that process has been completed it will then be considered for approval by the Voron Crew.

You can make comments or post replies in your PR on GitHub:

Pull requests · VoronDesign/VoronUsers · GitHub

If you have any questions about the PR processes or requirements, please ask in the Voron Discord voronuser_mods channel.

2. New Users and GitHub Desktop

The easiest way to submit a mod to the VoronUsers GitHub repo is to use the GitHub Desktop.

For a more detailed explanation on how to use the GitHub Desktop, please read the [GitHub Desktop Help](GitHub Desktop documentation - GitHub Docs).

The following is a step by step guide for creating a copy (fork) of the VoronUsers repository (repo) to your online GitHub account. It will then explain creating a local copy of your fork (clone). Then it will explain how to create your mod within your own branch of your cloned fork. It will then take you through submitting your Pull Request (PR). This is the formal submission of your Mod to the VorunUsers repository for consideration.

  • If you do not already have one, you will need to create an account on GitHub which is free to use

  • Once you have created your account, you will need to download and install GitHub Desktop

  • Now that it is installed, login using your new GitHub credentials

On the "Let's get started!" page select "Clone a repository from the Internet...":


Select the URL tab in "Clone a repository":


Enter the VoronUsers URL to the repository:

Select a suitable directory to store repositories locally. Then click "Clone"

Note: The VoronUsers repository is quite large (10GB+) and you should store the files on a suitable volume:


The VoronUsers repository will then be cloned to your local system.

Note: This can take quite some time (minutes) as the repository is large (10GB+):


When it has finished you will be presented with the standard GitHub Desktop screen:


Note that at the top it shows that your Current branch is set to "main". You now need to create your own branch that you will be submitting to VoronUsers. Click on the "Current branch" tab and then "New branch":


Then enter a name for your branch. This will be used as the title of your mod submission:


Now that your branch has been created, you need to push it to your fork of the VoronUsers repo:


You will then be prompted to fork the VoronUsers repository to your GitHub account. Click "Fork this repository", you can ignore the initial write access comment:


The next screen will ask you how you are planning to use the forked repo. Select "To contribute to the parent project", then click "Continue":


GitHub Desktop will then show you the forked repo in your Repository window. Now click in the "Current branch" tab and click "Publish your branch" to push your branch of the forked repo in your GitHub account:


Once done, click on the "Show in Explorer" button which will take you to the top of your local clone of the fork of the VoronUser on your system. Click on "printer_mods":


You now need to follow the guidelines on creating a subdirectory. This should be your GitHub account name. Now, within that directory, follow the guidelines provided:

When you are happy that you have created your mod directory and files, go back in to GitHub Desktop and you should see a list of the files created/modified. Now commit the changes to your local branch:


Then push this branch to your GitHub fork of VoronUsers. From the main screen:


You can repeat the process of making new commits to your local branch and pushing them to your GitHub fork of VoronUsers as many times as you want.

When you are happy that everything in the Mod, the layout, the documentation, the CAD, etc is ready to be submitted, you can go ahead and submit your Mod by creating a Pull Request (PR).

Make sure you have pushed any outstanding commits from your branch to your GitHub fork of VoronUsers, then create the Pull Request:


This will then display your Mod branch that you are going to request to be pulled (Pull Request - PR) in to the official VoronUsers main repository. Click on "Create pull request":


You should then follow any further prompts as presented.

You should then see your PR on GitHub:

Pull requests · VoronDesign/VoronUsers · GitHub

Your PR will then be reviewed by the Voron Discord GitHubHelpers team where it will be checked for compliance and errors. They will co-ordinate with you for any updates to the PR that may be required or suggested.

These updates can be made in your local branch and resubmitted to the official repo using GitHub Desktop with the details from above. You can also leave comments and replies in your PR on GitHub in the link above.

Once that process has been completed it will then be considered for approval by the Voron Crew.

If you have any questions about the PR processes or requirements, please ask in the Voron Discord voronuser_mods channel.

Guide contributed by chirpy2605