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Tally form changes

Maarten Steevens edited this page May 22, 2022 · 2 revisions

When the tally form is changed, you might have to update some hardcoded keys in the backend and frontend.

These keys can be found in backend/src/main/kotlin/be/osoc/team1/backend/util/TallyDeserializer.kt on the backend.

object TallyKeys {
    const val firstnameQuestion = "question_nroEGL"
    const val lastnameQuestion = "question_w4KjAo"
    const val alumnQuestion = "question_wz7eGE"
    const val alumnYesId = "689451da-305b-451a-8039-c748ff06ec82"
    const val skillQuestion = "question_3X4q1V"
    const val otherSkillQuestion = "question_w8Ze6o"
    const val studentCoachQuestion = "question_w5Z2eb"
    const val studentCoachYesId = "d2091172-9678-413a-bb3b-0d9cf6d5fa0b"

The frontend also has some keys, these are located in frontend/lib/tallyForm.ts.

export const keys = {
  collegeOrUniversity: '3yJDjW', // What is the name of your college or university?
  studies: 'wLP0v2', // What do/did you study?
  degreeType: '319EDL', // What kind of diploma are you currently going for?
  otherDegreeType: 'wME5v0', // if the student answers 'Other' to the question above.
  degreeYear: 'wg94YK', // Which year of your degree are you in?
  linkCv: 'w7NZ1z', // Or link to your CV
  uploadCv: 'm6ZxA5', // Upload your CV – size limit 10MB
  linkPortfolio: 'wAB8AN', // Or link to your portfolio / GitHub
  uploadPortfolio: 'wbWOKE', // Upload your portfolio – size limit 10MB
  livesInBelgium: 'mO70dA', // Will you live in Belgium in July 2022?
  ableToWork128Hours: 'mVz8vl', // Are you able to work 128 hours with a student employment agreement, or as a volunteer?
  canWorkDuringJuly: 'nPz0v0', // Can you work during the month of July, Monday through Thursday (~09:00 to 17:00)?
  hasParticipatedBefore: 'wz7eGE', // Have you participated in osoc before?
  wantsToBeStudentCoach: 'w5Z2eb', // Would you like to be a student coach this year?
  preferredLanguage: 'wQ70vk', // What language are you most fluent in?
  englishLevel: 'meaEKo', // How would you rate your English?
  email: 'wa2GKy', // Your email address
  phoneNumber: 'nW80DQ', // Phone number
  favoredRole: '3X4q1V', // Which role are you applying for?
  otherFavoredRole: 'w8Ze6o', // Which role are you applying for that is not in the list above?
  bestSkill: 'n0ePZQ', // Which skill would you list as your best one?
  linkMotivation: 'wkNZKj', // Or link to your motivation
  uploadMotivation: 'mBxBAY', // Upload your motivation – size limit 10MB
  writeMotivation: 'wvP2E8', // Or write about your motivation
  commonPronouns: '3N70Mb', // Which pronouns do you prefer?
  otherPronouns: '3qRPok', // Enter your pronouns (for uncommon pronouns)
  otherResponsibilities: '3Ex0vL', // Are there any responsibilities you might have which could hinder you during the day?
  preferredName: 'w2Kr1b', // How would you like to be called? (Only contains an answer when
  // "Would you like to be called by a different name than your birth name?" was answered with yes.)
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