This is a web-component to display ligand structure in 2D along with its interactions. Ligand can be perceived as a set of covalently linked pdb residues (refered to as bound molecule) or a single pdb residue. This depiction can be enriched with a substructure highlight, atom names, and binding site interactions.
npm run install
npm run build
npm run start
open any of the *.html pages in the demo directory
- Mode A: Display bound molecule and its interactions
- Mode B: Display ligand and its interactions
- Mode C: Display ligand (chemical component) only
Mode A | Mode B | Mode C |
1cbs REA 200 A | 3D12 bm1 (2xGLC-2xBGC-LXZ-NGA-GL0 ) |
The component can be inserted into the pages by two different ways. Either as a web-component
using html tag, or directly by using javascript as a plugin
Interactions data displayed by the component can come from three different environments Production
, Development
, Internal
. If no environment is specified Production
is used as default..
A few files needs to be imported in the page before the component is attempted to be loaded:
<!-- D3 -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- CSS style to be used for scene drawing (required for saving SVGs.) -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="pdb-ligand-env-svg.css" />
<!-- CSS style to be used for the component UI -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="pdb-ligand-env.css" />
<!-- UI icons -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!-- Web component polyfill (only loads what it needs) -->
<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src=""
<!--PDBe interactions component-->
<script type="module" src="pdb-ligand-env-component-0.3.0-min.js"></script>
<pdb-ligand-env pdb-id="1cbs" pdb-res-id="200" pdb-chain-id="A" environment="development"></pdb-ligand-env>
<pdb-ligand-env pdb-id="3d12" bound-molecule-id="bm1"></pdb-ligand-env>
<pdb-ligand-env pdb-res-name="CLR" zoom-on ></pdb-ligand-env>
The component contains a number of properties that can be set, in order to change data that are being displayed. First you need to define a component on the page:
<pdb-ligand-env id='SIA-component'></pdb-ligand-env>
and then inject data you want to display e.g.:
let chemUrl = ``;
let interactionsURL = "";
let component = document.getElementById('SIA-component');
const depiction = await (await fetch(chemUrl)).json();
const interactionsData = await (await fetch(interactionsURL)).json();
const atomsToHighlight = ['C10', 'C11', 'O10'];
component.depiction = depiction;
component.ligandHighlight = atomsToHighlight;
component.interactions = interactionsData;
The component can be also added to DOM directly from JavaScript. There are some requirements
<!-- D3 -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- CSS style to be used for scene drawing (required for saving SVGs.) -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="pdb-ligand-env-svg.css" />
<!-- UI icons -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!--PDB ligand environment plugin-->
<script src="pdb-ligand-env-plugin-min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="pdb-ligand-env.css" />
and then the component can be instantiated as simply as:
let component = document.getElementById('SIA-component');
let environemnt = "development";
let uiParams = {
reinitialize: true, // allow reinitialize option in the component menu
zoom: true, // allow scene zoom
fullScreen: true, // allow allow full screen option in the component menu
downloadImage: true, // allow image download from the component menu
downloadData: true, // allow interactions data download from compoment menu
center: true, // allow scene centering option from the component menu
help: false, // allow help option from the component menu
residueLabel: true, // show residue label
tooltip: true // show residue tooltip on mouse hover
menu: true // allow menu to be (not) available
names: true // allow ligand depiction with atom names
this.display = new Visualization(this, uiParams, environment);
// to display bound molecule interactions
this.display.initBoundMoleculeInteractions('3d12', 'bm1');
// to display carbohydrate polymer interactions
this.display.initCarbohydratePolymerInteractions('5e98', 'bm1','3');
// to display ligand interactions
this.display.initLigandInteractions('1cbs', 200, 'A');
// to display chemical component with atom names only
this.display.initLigandDisplay('HEM', true);
Parametr | Type | Required | Description |
pdb-id | string | No | PDB id of a protein to retrieve interactions from. (mode A and B only) |
bound-molecule-id | string | No | PDB bound molecule id (mode A only) |
pdb-res-name | string | No | PDB residue name aka: auth_comp_id (mode C only) |
pdb-res-id | number | No | PDB residue id aka: auth_seq_id (mode B only) |
pdb-chain-id | string | No | PDB residue chain aka: auth_asym_id (mode B only) |
substructure | string[] | No | List of atom names to be highlighted on the ligand structure |
color | string | No | HEX representation of the color highlight. (Default: #D3D3D3) |
zoom-on | boolean | No | Allow zoom functionality on the component level. |
names-on | boolean | No | Allow ligand depiction to be displayed with atom names. |
environment | string | No | What data should be used: one of production , development , internal or a shorthand prod , dev , int . |
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the EMBL-EBI License - see the LICENSE file for details
We would like to thank the PDBe team for their feedback and contributions.