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Template Files

Aleksi Peebles edited this page Mar 11, 2022 · 3 revisions
  • implement a single reusable UI element
  • contain only UI-related code
  • may only use vanilla PHP and allowed view helpers listed on this page
  • may be made up of other components
  • will handle all HTML escaping in leaf components (components that do not render other components).

Allowed PHP code

Component templates should only contain reusable UI-related code written in vanilla PHP.

Using vanilla PHP

  • helps in keeping application logic out
  • makes component templates more portable, so they can be used with tools like Pattern Lab
  • makes onboarding easier for frontend developers not familiar with VuFind and PHP.

However, there are a few exceptions, listed below.

Allowed view helpers


Component templates may include other components using the Laminas PhpRenderer::render($nameOrModel, $values = null) method.

The file name should contain the component's path starting from the components folder and ending in the component folder name.


<?= $this->render('components/molecules/navigation/finna-nav-item', $__item); ?>


Component templates should use the Laminas EscapeHtml view helper for escaping data to use within an HTML body context.


Component templates should use the Laminas EscapeHtmlAttr view helper for escaping data to use within an HTML attribute context.

$this->headLink()->appendStylesheet() and $this->headLink()->prependStylesheet()

Component templates should include additional CSS files using the Laminas HeadLink helper.

$this->headScript() and $this->inlineScript()

Component templates should include JavaScript files using either the Laminas HeadScript or InlineScript view helper.

The file name should contain the full path starting from the components folder.


<?php $this->headScript()->appendFile('components/organisms/navigation/finna-tabs-nav/finna-tabs-nav.js'); ?>


Component templates may use the Laminas HtmlAttributes view helper to create new HtmlAttributesSet objects.

Templates should support an $attributes parameter variable for the outermost HTML element, adding the component's machine name as a class or setting it as an id.


<div<?= $this->htmlAttributes($attributes ?? [])->add('class', ['finna-panel', 'panel']) ?>>


Component templates should create image paths using the VuFind ImageLink view helper.


Component templates should add translated strings for JavaScript using the VuFind JsTranslations helper.


Component templates may use the VuFind TransEsc view helper to display translated and escaped strings.


Component templates may use the VuFind Translate view helper to display translated strings.


Component templates may use the Laminas Url view helper to create a string representation of the routes defined in an application.


Component templates may have two kinds of variables: parameter variables, which are passed to the template in the render() call, and local variables.

All parameter variables (exposed component properties) should be documented in the component's documentation file.

A double underscore prefix should be used for local variable names to differentiate them from parameter variables.

Example: $parameterVariable, $__localVariable.