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Documentation Files

Aleksi Peebles edited this page Mar 14, 2022 · 2 revisions

All components should be documented in component-specific Markdown documentation files. If a component has variations (see Data Files and Demo Folders), they should also be documented in separate variation-specific documentation files.

Documentation files should have the following sections:

  1. Front Matter
  2. Description
  3. Properties
  4. Notes
  5. Variations
  6. Less variables

The only compulsory section is the Front Matter section. Other sections should be added where applicable.

Front matter

All documentation files must begin a block of YAML set between triple-dashed lines.


title: Panel
state: complete

This block is called front matter, and it is used in building the component library website.

Key Allowed values
title Human readable component or component variation name
state inprogress, inreview, complete


Description of the component or component variation. Component variations may leave this section out if the variation name is explanatory enough.


All properties ($this->render() parameters) exposed by the component should be documented in a table with columns for parameter name, type and possible default value.


Property Type Default value
attributes array
collapsed boolean true
collapseId string
content string
heading string
headingId string
headingLevel integer
headingTag boolean true


This section should contain notes on using the properties and anything else that is good to know about the functionality of the component.


Setting collapseId, heading and headingId will make the panel collapsible.

collapsed has no effect unless the panel is collapsible.

ARIA role and aria-level attributes will be added to the heading div if a headingLevel is set and headingTag is set to false.


Possible component variations should be documented in this section.


Class Description
finna-panel-default Default variation
finna-panel-borderless Borderless variation

Less variables

All global and component-specific Less variables used by the component should be documented in this section.