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Merge pull request #8 from Integrative-Transcriptomics/redevelopment
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mwittep authored Mar 31, 2023
2 parents a12386f + 26cc992 commit 8321ceb
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions Analysis/Resolution_Evaluation/
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# Resolution Evaluation

This directory contains the evaluation of the resolution algorithm.

The `` subscript generates two SNP tables, a ground truth SNP table containing only resolved bases and a SNP table containing the same rows as the ground truth SNP table but with some unresolved bases instead of resolved bases.

The `` subscript evaluates the performance of the resolution by comparing the resolved SNP table after the resolution with the ground truth and unresolved SNP table.

The `` script is the script that needs to be executed to run the resolution performance as it combines the `` script and the `` script with CLASSICOv2.

The images visualize the results of the unresolved base resolution for the *Treponema pallidum* and *Mycobacterium leprae* datasets. The results with index 1 are from the first analysis in which only one base per row was replaced with an unresolved base and with different amounts of duplications of each row (7/14/21 or 10/20/30). The results with index 2 are from the second analysis in which multiple bases per row were replaced with unresolved bases and the results with index 3 are from the third analysis in which entire clades were replaced with unresolved bases.
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61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions Analysis/Resolution_Evaluation/
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# ==========================================================
# This script evaluates the resolution of unresolved bases by
# outputting correctly resolved, incorrectly resolved and
# unresolved bases after resolution
# ==========================================================

# input:
# 1. path for SNP table containing ground truth
# 2. path for SNP table after resolution
# 3. path for modified SNP table with unresolved bases

# read input arguments
import sys
input = sys.argv
truth = open(input[1], 'r')
resolved = open(input[2], 'r')
unresolved = open(input[3], 'r')

# initialize counts
correct_resolved = 0
incorrect_resolved = 0
unresolved_resolved = 0

# read lines for each file
for line_truth in truth.readlines():
line_resolved = resolved.readline()
line_unresolved = unresolved.readline()
line_truth = line_truth[:len(line_truth) - 1]
line_resolved = line_resolved[:len(line_resolved) - 1]
line_unresolved = line_unresolved[:len(line_unresolved) - 1]

# split lines into columns
split_line_truth = line_truth.split('\t')
split_line_resolved = line_resolved.split('\t')
split_line_unresolved = line_unresolved.split('\t')

# check that the number of columns is equal for all three files
if (len(split_line_resolved) != len(split_line_truth) or len(split_line_truth) != len(split_line_unresolved) or len(split_line_resolved) != len(split_line_unresolved)):
print("Warning: Number of columns not equal!")
print(len(split_line_resolved) + ":" + len(split_line_truth) + ":" + len(split_line_unresolved))

# iterate over all SNPs (columns) that belong to samples (exclude position and reference)
for count in range(2, len(split_line_unresolved)):
# if the unresolved file contains a N this N should be resolved by the algorithm
if split_line_unresolved[count] == 'N':
# if the resolved file also contains a N, the base remained unresolved -> increase unresolved count
if split_line_resolved[count] == 'N':
unresolved_resolved += 1
# if value in the groung truth file is equal to the resolved file the resolution was correct -> increase correct resolution count
if split_line_truth[count] in split_line_resolved[count]:
correct_resolved += 1
# otherwise it was incorrect -> increase incorrect resolution count
incorrect_resolved += 1

# print number of incorrect, correct and unresolved bases
print('Incorrect Resolution: ' + str(incorrect_resolved))
print('Correct Resolution: ' + str(correct_resolved))
print('Unresolved Bases: ' + str(unresolved_resolved))
241 changes: 241 additions & 0 deletions Analysis/Resolution_Evaluation/
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import sys
import random
import copy
import re
import itertools

# ===========================================================
# This script generates a SNP table containing unresolved bases and a corresponding
# ground truth SNP table from an input SNP table for the resolution evaluation
# ===========================================================

# Function that maps a line from the SNP table to a strucuture:
# In comparison to the line from a SNP table, the structure
# contains numbers instead of letters where each number corresponds
# to a letter. The first letter that occurs in a line gets the number
# 1, the second gets number 2, ...
# Example:
# The line A T A G G A would get the structure 1 2 1 3 3 1.

def line_to_structure(line):
mapping = {}
splits = line.split('\t')
count = 0
structure = ""
for split in splits[1:]:
if split not in mapping:
mapping[split] = count
count += 1
structure += str(mapping[split]) + "\t"
return structure

# read input arguments
# 1. path of original SNP table
# 2. path of generated unresolved SNP table
# 3. path of generated ground truth SNP table
# 4. number of repetitions for each position
# 5. number of unresolved clades per row
# 6. path of corresponding Newick tree file
# 7. size of unresolved clades

input = sys.argv
# read SNP table
file = open(input[1], 'r')

# initialize arrays that save the structures that are already seen / used in the SNP table
seen_structures = []
# and the row index of the first occurance of each structure
not_seen_ind = []

# get sample names from SNP table
line = file.readline()
line = line[:len(line) - 1]
names = line.split('\t')

# write sample names to new unresolved file and ground truth file
new_unresolved = open(input[2], 'w')
new_unresolved.write(line + "\n")
new_truth = open(input[3], 'w')
new_truth.write(line + "\n")

# read parameters that influence the output files
num_repetitions = int(input[4])
number_ns = int(input[5])
clade_size = int(input[7])

# read newick string
newick = str(open(input[6], 'r').readlines())

# for third analysis
# compute clades with the specified clade_size
# method: find small clades of size 2 and try to extend them to a specific clade size
if clade_size > 1:

# regex to get any two leaf nodes that are siblings (i.e. clades of size 2)
my_regex = "\([^():,]+:[.\d]+,[^():,]+:[.\d]+\)"
reg = re.compile(my_regex)
matches = reg.finditer(newick)
clades = []

# try to extend these clades further
for m in matches:
left_bracket_count = 1
right_bracket_count = 1
next_left = m.start()
next_right = m.end()

# as long as the clade size is not reached, the following steps are repeated
while(left_bracket_count < clade_size - 1):

# extend to left and right
next_left -= 1
next_right += 1

# find position of opening bracket that belongs to parent of current clades root
while(not(newick[next_left] == '(' and left_bracket_count == right_bracket_count)):
if newick[next_left] == ')':
right_bracket_count += 1
elif newick[next_left] == '(':
left_bracket_count += 1
next_left -= 1
left_bracket_count += 1

# find position of closing bracket that belongs to parent of current clades root
while(not(newick[next_right] == ')' and right_bracket_count + 1 == left_bracket_count)):
if newick[next_right] == ')':
right_bracket_count += 1
elif newick[next_right] == '(':
left_bracket_count += 1
next_right += 1
right_bracket_count += 1

# check that the size of the clade is not exceeded and that the clade is not already detected
if left_bracket_count == clade_size -1:
if newick[next_left:next_right + 1] not in clades:
clades.append(newick[next_left:next_right + 1])

# read all lines of original SNP table and generate unresolved SNP table and ground truth
line_counter = 1
for line in file.readlines():
# copy old line for ground truth file
oldline = copy.copy(line)

# check if there are any N's in the line
line = line[:len(line) - 1]
count = 0
splits = line.split('\t')
for split in splits[2:]:
if split == 'N':
count += 1

# only lines without any N's are used
if count == 0:

# only consider SNP structure which are not already used
curr_structure = line_to_structure(line)
if curr_structure not in seen_structures:
count_N = 0
list_randint = []

# 1st case: single bases should be replaced with N's
if clade_size == 1:

# construct multiple unresolved lines per position
while count_N < num_repetitions:

# compute random positions of unresolved bases
randInts = random.sample(range(2,len(splits)),number_ns)
is_same = False

# 1st criterion: check if same pattern is already constructed for this position
for entry in list_randint:
if sorted(randInts) == sorted(entry):
is_same = True

# 2nd criterion: for multiple unresolved bases per row check if there are any two unresolved bases that are siblings
if len(randInts) > 1:
for combination in itertools.combinations(randInts, 2):
my_regex = rf"\({names[combination[0]]}:[.\d]+,{names[combination[1]]}:[.\d]+\)"
if, str(newick)) != None:
is_same = True

# don't consider lines that fulfil any of the two criterions that are checked above
if is_same:
# --------------------------------------------------
# otherwise
# write the old line to the ground truth file

# generate a new line with unresolved bases at the above computed positions
previouses = {}
for randInt in randInts:
# save resolved bases in dictionary before replacing them
previouses[randInt] = splits[randInt]
splits[randInt] = 'N'
newline = '\t'.join(splits) + '\n'

# write new line to unresolved file

# reset replaced bases with saved resolved bases before replacement
for randInt in randInts:
splits[randInt] = previouses[randInt]
count_N += 1

# 2nd case: entire clades should be replaced with unresolved bases
if len(clades) > 0:

# get random clade out of clades with specified size
if len(clades) > 1:
randInt = random.randrange(0,len(clades) - 1)
randInt = 0
clade = clades[randInt]

# find all leaf nodes of that clade
my_regex2 = "[^():,]+:[.\d]+"
matches2 = re.findall(my_regex2, clade)
list_indices = []
for match2 in matches2:
match = match2.split(':')
count = 0
for name in names:
if match[0] == name:
# save index of the sample of the current node
count += 1

# write the old line to the ground truth file

# generate a new line with unresolved bases at the above computed positions
previouses = {}
for ind in list_indices:
# save resolved bases in dictionary before replacing them
previouses[ind] = splits[ind]
splits[ind] = 'N'
newline = '\t'.join(splits) + '\n'

# write new line to unresolved file

# reset replaced bases with saved resolved bases before replacement
for ind in list_indices:
splits[ind] = previouses[ind]
print('No clade of this size in the tree')

line_counter += 1

# print output
print('different structures:', len(not_seen_ind))
if clade_size > 1:
print('possible clades:', len(clades))


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