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API Reference
Sometimes you may want to do some logging so that once something goes wrong you can find what is the problem easier.
BML provides a simple Logger. You can access it by calling GetLogger() function of IMod interface.
This Logger only have 3 functions:
virtual void Info(const char* fmt, ...);
virtual void Warn(const char* fmt, ...);
virtual void Error(const char* fmt, ...);
For different severe level of your log message.
Start to load Start Menu & Finish loading Start Menu.
virtual void OnPreStartMenu() {};
virtual void OnPostStartMenu() {};
Exit Game.
virtual void OnExitGame() {};
Start to load a level & Finish loading the level.
virtual void OnPreLoadLevel() {};
virtual void OnPostLoadLevel() {};
Start playing a level.
virtual void OnStartLevel() {};
Start to reset the level & Finish resetting the level.
virtual void OnPreResetLevel() {};
virtual void OnPostResetLevel() {};
Pause & Unpause.
virtual void OnPauseLevel() {};
virtual void OnUnpauseLevel() {};
Start to exit the level & Finished exiting the level.
virtual void OnPreExitLevel() {};
virtual void OnPostExitLevel() {};
Start to load next level & Finished loading next level.
virtual void OnPreNextLevel() {};
virtual void OnPostNextLevel() {};
Game over menu appears.
virtual void OnDead() {};
Arrive Balloon & Level finish menu appears.
virtual void OnPreEndLevel() {};
virtual void OnPostEndLevel() {};
Time score counter active & inactive.
virtual void OnCounterActive() {};
virtual void OnCounterInactive() {};
Ball navigation active & inactive. Whether player can control the ball.
virtual void OnBallNavActive() {};
virtual void OnBallNavInactive() {};
Camera navigation active & inactive. Whether player can rotate the camera.
virtual void OnCamNavActive() {};
virtual void OnCamNavInactive() {};
When ball falls down.
virtual void OnBallOff() {};
Ball reached the check point flame & Finished loading next sector.
virtual void OnPreCheckpointReached() {};
virtual void OnPostCheckpointReached() {};
Arrive the Balloon, before OnPreEndLevel.
virtual void OnLevelFinish() {};
When ball falls down with zero extra lives. After OnBallOff.
virtual void OnGameOver() {};
When ball reaches an extra point ball, both large and small.
virtual void OnExtraPoint() {};
Start to play sub life animation & Finish playing the animation.
virtual void OnPreSubLife() {};
virtual void OnPostSubLife() {};
Start to play life up animation & Finish playing the animation.
virtual void OnPreLifeUp() {};
virtual void OnPostLifeUp() {};
Mod initialization & release.
virtual void OnLoad() {};
virtual void OnUnload() {};
When a configuration entry is modified.
virtual void OnModifyConfig(CKSTRING category, CKSTRING key, IProperty* prop) {};
When Building Block "Object Load" is used to load a new nmo file.
virtual void OnLoadObject(CKSTRING filename, BOOL isMap, CKSTRING masterName,
CK_CLASSID filterClass, BOOL addtoscene, BOOL reuseMeshes, BOOL reuseMaterials,
BOOL dynamic, XObjectArray* objArray, CKObject* masterObj) {};
virtual void OnLoadScript(CKSTRING filename, CKBehavior* script) {};
Called in each game loop & render frame.
virtual void OnProcess() {};
virtual void OnRender(CK_RENDER_FLAGS flags) {};
When cheat mode is enabled & disabled.
virtual void OnCheatEnabled(bool enable) {};
Register a new player ball type.
virtual void RegisterBallType(CKSTRING ballFile, CKSTRING ballId, CKSTRING ballName, CKSTRING objName,
float friction, float elasticity, float mass, CKSTRING collGroup, float linearDamp, float rotDamp,
float force, float radius);
Register a new floor type.
virtual void RegisterFloorType(CKSTRING floorName, float friction, float elasticity, float mass,
CKSTRING collGroup, bool enableColl);
Register a new modul ball type.
virtual void RegisterModulBall(CKSTRING modulName, bool fixed, float friction, float elasticity,
float mass, CKSTRING collGroup, bool frozen, bool enableColl, bool calcMassCenter, float linearDamp,
float rotDamp, float radius);
Register a new convex modul (Dome, Paper Ball).
virtual void RegisterModulConvex(CKSTRING modulName, bool fixed, float friction, float elasticity,
float mass, CKSTRING collGroup, bool frozen, bool enableColl, bool calcMassCenter, float linearDamp,
float rotDamp);
Register a new ball transformer type.
virtual void RegisterTrafo(CKSTRING modulName);
Register a new modul type.
virtual void RegisterModul(CKSTRING modulName);