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3.1 Read envimet results with Grasshopper

Antonello Di Nunzio edited this page Jun 19, 2021 · 5 revisions


The amount of info you can get from an envimet simulation is impressive. The user should investigate the result and cross them to find interesting relationships among output.
Morpho could help you with the analysis of EDT files. An EDT file is a binary that contains all output data of the 3D domain, it means that if you read the atmosphere output of a model with a grid of 100 x 100 x 25 (250,000 sensors) you get about 8,500,000 values. Because the atmosphere folder has about 34 variables to read.
Morpho let you read the following output folder:

  • Atmosphere → You can extract a slice of data on X, Y, Z direction or use an "elevation mask" to cut in freely in z direction
  • Surface → You can extract a slice in Z direction - only z0
  • Soil → You can extract a slice in Z direction
  • Radiation → You can extract a slice of data on X, Y, Z direction or use an "elevation mask" to cut in freely in z direction
  • SolarAccess SA → You can extract a slice in direction Z - only z0
  • Comfort (UTCI, PET, SET, PMV) → You can extract a slice of data on X, Y, Z direction or use an "elevation mask" to cut in freely in z direction
  • Building\dynamic → You can extract facade data on X, Y, Z direction
  • Vegetation → You can extract 2D voxel of trees in the 3D space and represented in Z direction

Reader type

There are 4 different readers:

  1. slice grid reader
  2. building reader
  3. vegetation reader
  4. mask grid reader

The slice reader is compatible with many folder types - please, check the description of the component on Grasshopper directly. Mask reader even often is supplementary to the slice reader to replicate the feature "follow the terrain" - the case when you have DEM in your model and you want the heatmap to follow the terrain.

Reading method

Morpho reads the binaries and generates two outputs: faces and values. A special morpho component transforms the face geometry type into a Rhino mesh. At this point, Ladybug reads the mesh and applies the values on top of each mesh face.
FOR ADVANCED USERS The components are hackable, so if you do not need to read the geometric part you can remove the part of the code that generates faces. It speeds up the reading process.