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scanbit edited this page Sep 11, 2014 · 3 revisions


ALIADA (Ally in Spanish, female genre) will automatize the publication in the Linked Open Data cloud of datasets hosted by different Library or Collection Management Software.

ALIADA will support the whole life cycle of reuse of multilingual open data from public bodies, initially the museums and libraries involved in the consortium, providing a usable and open source tool that automatize the selection, publication and linking of datasets in the Linked Data Cloud by the ALIADA users: IT staff, documentalist, curators and librarians in institutions that own datasets managed by library and/or museum management software.

ALIADA will be an open source plugin for the library or collection management software, initially for the ones developed by the SMEs in the consortium and already installed in the public bodies. Usability in ALIADA solution will be a key aspect, as the final users will have little or no experience in Linked Data technologies and processes.

ALIADA will make possible libraries and museums interoperability, so they can share their collections and offer them to the general public, by means of the linked open data cloud, allowing new interaction experiences for the general public that now will have access to data historically locked in the institutions that host it. And as side effect, this data from libraries and museums will also enrich the existing open data providing new possibilities to innovative SMEs that wants to make use of the published open data and the open source tool ALIADA.

  • [User interface] (User_Interface)
  • [RDFizer] (RDFizer)
  • [Links Discovery] (Links_Discovery)
  • [Linked Data Server] (Linked_Data_server)
  • [CKAN Datahub Page Creation] (CKAN_Datahub_Page_Creation)
  • [Release Notes 1.0] (Release_Notes1)
  • [Release Notes 2.0] (Release_Notes2)
  • [Release Notes 2.1] (Release_Notes_2.1)
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