This is a 2 dimensional simulator of the forces of gravity.
$ git clone
$ cd gravity
$ python3 -m virtualenv .
$ source bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the simulation:
$ python3
To leave the virtual env:
$ deactivate
play/pause the simulation
seek forwards/backwards in time
add/remove objects
change the properties of an object
- color
- mass
- density
- radius
- position
- velocity
- acceleration
change the type of collision undergone by objects
- perfectly elastic (objects bounce)
- perfectly inelastic (objects stick)
- no collision
toggle the display of velocity and acceleration vectors
key | action |
space | toggle play/pause |
a | toggle display of acceleration vector |
b | seek backwards |
c | toggle collision type |
e | edit object properties |
f | seek forwards |
n | new object at mouse position |
q | quit the simulation |
v | toggle display of velocity vector |
x | remove object at mouse position |
For each frame, the simulation must calculate the acceleration caused by the force of gravity between each mass.
Here is one approach to this problem:
for body in bodies:
sum = Vector(0,0)
for other in bodies:
if other == body:
diff = other.position - body.position
dist_3 = (diff.x**2 + diff.y**2)**(3.0/2.0)
sum += (other.mass / dist_3) * diff
body.acceleration = GRAVITATION * sum
However, this approach does twice as many calculations as
necessary. The force on an object A due to another
object B is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the
force on B due to A. Therefore we could cache each calculation
and check this cache before performing any calculation. This
avoids unnecessary calculations, but we are still stuck with the
runtime of n^2
Another approach to this problem comes from the observation
that after doing n
calculations for a body, we can do n-1
calculations for the next body. Here's a diagram:
This approach has a runtime of n(n-1)/2