Hello shifters! 👋 This will serve as the HTML to Ruby on Rails study course for Tech Career Shifter PH study group. We will utilize THE ODIN PROJECT curriculum. Those who are interested are welcome to join!
Beginner-friendly HTML to Ruby on Rails | Every Friday Night, 8 PM | Official Discord Chanel of Tech Career Shifter PH |
💡 The group is comprised of different individuals with different levels of working knowledge from HTML to React. To welcome everyone, the study course will be beginner-friendly. It will cater to learners who are just starting their self-study journey.
All the materials of the course are freely available, so that you can take the course at your own pace
Why learn Ruby on Rails?
- Introduction to Web Development
- HTML Foundations
- CSS Foundations
- Flexbox
- JavaScript Basics
- JavaScript Regular & Modern JavaScript (ES6)
- Git & Github
- Ruby Course
- Intermediate HTML and CSS
- Databases
- Ruby on Rails
- Advanced HTML and CSS
- JavaScript
- React
We encourage participants to start Learning in Public