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PaaS for the People

Peas is a Heroku-style Platform as a Service written in Ruby using Docker. It is heavily inspired by Deis and Dokku.

Peas' philosophy is to be an accessible and easily hackable PaaS. It doesn't aim to be a complete enterprise solution. Instead it aims to be a relatively unopinionated, but solid starting place using all the goodness of Ruby; Rspec, Bundler, Guard, Rack, Mongoid, Docker-api, Puma, Grape, GLI, Celluloid, and more.


git clone
gem install peas-cli
cd peas
=> (lots of logs about Peas booting up)
cd [my cool app on github]
peas create
peas deploy
"-----> Installing dependencies
 -----> Discovering process types
 -----> Scaling process 'web:1'
        Deployed to"
=> Yay!

#Installation Peas is at a very early stage and has only been tested in development environments. Formal methods for installing on cloud services such as EC2 and Digital Ocean will come soon. Meanwhile you can try using the Docker method of installation on cloud servers.

Local development environment
This is the preferred method for local development, but note that local development is also possible with the Docker installation method. All you will need is; Ruby 2.1, Docker and Mongo DB(>= 2.6). All of these are generally installable via your system's package manager, no compiling should be necessary.

docker pull progrium/buildstep # This runs Heroku buildpacks against repos to create deployable app images
git clone
bundle install
bundle exec guard

The Peas API will be available at

This installation method will work anywhere that Docker can be installed, so both locally and on remote servers like AWS and Digital Ocean.

To install and boot just use ./contrib/peas-dind/ (ie. you will need to have cloned the repo first). For a detailed explanation read

The Peas API will be available at

Most likely useful to you if you are on Windows. There is a Vagrantfile in the root of the project. All it does is boot a recent VM of Ubuntu and then installs Peas using the Docker method above.

The Peas API will be available at peas.local:4000.

CLI client
To interact with the Peas API you will need to install the command line client: gem install peas-cli

During development you will find it useful to use the peas-dev command. It uses the live code in your local repo as the CLI client. You can put it in your $PATH with something like;
sudo ln -s $(pwd)/peas-dev /usr/local/bin/peas-dev


Peas aims to follow the conventions and philosophies of Heroku as closely as possible. So it is worth bearing in mind that a lot of the Heroku documentation is relevant to Peas.

First thing is to set the domain that points to your Peas installation. If you're developing locally you can actually just rely on the default which has wildcard DNS records to point all subdomains to

To use a different domain: peas admin settings --domain

Next thing is to get into your app's directory. Peas approaches git repos for apps differently from other PaaS projects. It does not have a git server so requires app repos to be remotely accessible. At the moment this is only web accessible repos like on Github and Bitbucket. But the plan is to allow pulling from local git paths as well.


peas create
peas deploy

You can scale processes using: peas scale web=3 worker=2

If a service URI is provided to Peas' admin settings then all subsequently created apps will be given an instance of that service. Therefore, by issuing somehting like;
peas admin settings mongodb.uri mongodb://root:[email protected] all new apps will get created with a config variable of something like;
MONGDB_URI=mongodb://appname:[email protected]/appname

New services can be added by creating a new class in lib/services. You can use any of the existing service classes as a template.

All current CLI commands

admin  - Admin commands
config - Add, remove and list config for an app
create - Create an app
deploy - Deploy an app
help   - Shows a list of commands or help for one command
logs   - Show logs for an app
scale  - Scale an app


  • Installation for production environments like AWS and Digital Ocean.
  • Users. Peas currently has absolutely no concept of users :/
  • Nodes, or 'pods' if we're keeping with the 'pea' theme. Therefore distributing containers over multiple servers.

##Video Presentation Given at Bristol Ruby User Group on June 26th 2014 (1h16m)
Peas presentation


Docker and Ruby based PaaS







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