Assignment using Cypress.
- Cypress framework with POM
- Mochawesome HTML report
- cypress-mochawesome-reporter
- POM modal is implement in all of the spec files
- elements folder contains web locators
- constant folder contains the static contants from the web page
- pages folder contains the method
- e2e folder conatins the specs
- report can be found in report folder after the execution of specs in headless mode.
npm install
Run assignment 1 specs using following command:
npx cypress run --spec "cypress/e2e/,cypress/e2e/,cypress/e2e/"
Mochaawesome report will be auto generated at the end of execution, and can be found in "report" folder
Mobile Responsive assignment using Cypress.
- POM modal is implement in all of the spec files
- elements folder contains web locators
- constant folder contains the static contants from the web page
- pages folder contains the method
- e2e folder conatins the specs
- report can be found in report folder after the execution of specs in headless mode.
- Responsiveness will be verified for devices: -- iPhone6 -- iPadMini -- SamsungS10
npm install
npx cypress run --spec "cypress/e2e/"