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Demo to build Service Mesh on Kubernetes using Envoy as data plane and SPIRE as control plane.


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Demo to build Service Mesh on Kubernetese using Envoy as data plane and SPIRE as control plane.

This repository contains the manifests used in the demonstration of Securing the Service Mesh with SPIRE at SPIFFE Meetup Tokyo #2 . The manifests have been created based on spiffe/spire-examples . Thanks, SPIFFE Community!

NOTE: New demo to build Service Mesh on Kubernetes with Envoy, SPIRE, OPA have published on 2019-12-19 🎉 Please check zlabjp/envoy-spire-opa-service-mesh !



Three services are running.

  • API( spiffe://
    • Simple API that returns ok using Mmock
    • mTLS authentication with Valid API Client is allowed
  • Valid API Client( spiffe://
    • curl container
    • mTLS authentication with API is allowed
  • Invalid API Client( spiffe://
    • curl container
    • mTLS authentication with API is NOT allowed

Certificate for mtls authentication is delivered from SPIRE Agent to Envoy via SDS Server.

1. Create Kubernetes Cluster

Create a Kubernetes cluster with the required flags to run NodeAttestor "k8s_psat".

minikube start \
    --extra-config=apiserver.authorization-mode=RBAC \
    --extra-config=apiserver.service-account-signing-key-file=/var/lib/minikube/certs/sa.key \
    --extra-config=apiserver.service-account-key-file=/var/lib/minikube/certs/ \
    --extra-config=apiserver.service-account-issuer=api \

2. Deploy SPIRE Server

Deploy SPIRE Server as StatefulSet.

kubectl apply -f spire-server.yaml

3. Deploy SPIRE Agent

Deploy SPIRE Agent as DaemonSet.

kubectl apply -f spire-agent.yaml

4. Create Registration Entries

Create node entry.

kubectl exec -n spire spire-server-0 -- /opt/spire/bin/spire-server entry create \
    -spiffeID spiffe:// \
    -selector k8s_psat:cluster:demo-cluster \

Create workload entries.

kubectl exec -n spire spire-server-0 -- /opt/spire/bin/spire-server entry create \
    -parentID spiffe:// \
    -spiffeID spiffe:// \
    -selector k8s:pod-label:app:api \
    -ttl 30

kubectl exec -n spire spire-server-0 -- /opt/spire/bin/spire-server entry create \
    -parentID spiffe:// \
    -spiffeID spiffe:// \
    -selector k8s:pod-label:app:valid-api-client \
    -ttl 30

kubectl exec -n spire spire-server-0 -- /opt/spire/bin/spire-server entry create \
    -parentID spiffe:// \
    -spiffeID spiffe:// \
    -selector k8s:pod-label:app:invalid-api-client \
    -ttl 30

Confirm the created registration entries.

kubectl exec -n spire spire-server-0 -- /opt/spire/bin/spire-server entry show

5. Confirm that API and Valid API Client can mTLS authenticate

Deploy API

kubectl apply -f api.yaml

Confirm that Envoy has obtained the following certificates from SPIRE Agent via SDS Server.

  • Trust Bundle as ca certificate
  • X.509-SVID as server certificate ( spiffe:// )
API_ENVOY_ADMIN_NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get svc api -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("envoy-admin-port")].nodePort}')
curl $(minikube ip):${API_ENVOY_ADMIN_NODE_PORT}/certs

Deploy Valid API Client

kubectl apply -f valid-api-client.yaml

Confirm that Envoy has obtained the following certificates from SPIRE Agent via SDS Server.

  • Trust Bundle as ca certificate
  • X.509-SVID as client certificate ( spiffe:// )
VALID_API_CLIENT_ENVOY_ADMIN_NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get svc valid-api-client -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("envoy-admin-port")].nodePort}')
curl $(minikube ip):${VALID_API_CLIENT_ENVOY_ADMIN_NODE_PORT}/certs

Confirm that API and Valid API Client can mTLS authenticate

Request from Valid API Client to API via Envoy.

VALID_API_CLIENT_POD=$(kubectl get pods -l app=valid-api-client -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl exec ${VALID_API_CLIENT_POD} -c curl -- curl -s

Mutual authentication succeeds and the following response is returned.


6. Confirm that API and Invalid API Client can NOT mTLS authenticate

Deploy Invalid API Client

kubectl apply -f invalid-api-client.yaml

Confirm that Envoy has obtained the following certificates from SPIRE Agent via SDS Server.

  • Trust Bundle as ca certificate
  • X.509-SVID as client certificate ( spiffe:// )
INVALID_API_CLIENT_ENVOY_ADMIN_NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get svc invalid-api-client -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("envoy-admin-port")].nodePort}')
curl $(minikube ip):${INVALID_API_CLIENT_ENVOY_ADMIN_NODE_PORT}/certs

Confirm that API and Invalid API Client can NOT mTLS authenticate

Request from Invalid API Client to API via Envoy.

INVALID_API_CLIENT_POD=$(kubectl get pods -l app=invalid-api-client -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl exec ${INVALID_API_CLIENT_POD} -c curl -- curl -s

Mutual authentication fails and the following response is returned

upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure

Since the details of upstream connect error are not included in the above response (client certificate error is expected), change the log level of Envoy and debug.

INVALID_API_CLIENT_ENVOY_ADMIN_NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get svc invalid-api-client -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("envoy-admin-port")].nodePort}')
curl -X POST "$(minikube ip):${INVALID_API_CLIENT_ENVOY_ADMIN_NODE_PORT}/logging?connection=debug"

Request again after changing log level.

INVALID_API_CLIENT_POD=$(kubectl get pods -l app=invalid-api-client -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl exec ${INVALID_API_CLIENT_POD} -c curl -- curl -s

Confirm Envoy log.

INVALID_API_CLIENT_POD=$(kubectl get pods -l app=invalid-api-client -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl logs ${INVALID_API_CLIENT_POD} -c envoy -f

The following log shows that mutual authentication failed due to client certificate error.

[2019-10-01 05:16:35.506][11][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/tls/] [C10] TLS error: 268436502:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:SSLV3_ALERT_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN

7. Confirm that SPIRE Agent rotates certificates in Envoy

In 4. Create Registration Entries, the entries were registered so that the SVID rotates every 30 seconds, so you can confirm that the rotation is executed in the SPIRE Agent log.

SPIRE_AGENT_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n spire -l app=spire-agent -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl logs -n spire ${SPIRE_AGENT_POD} -f

The following log will be output.

# Renewing X509-SVID
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=info msg="Renewing X509-SVID" expires_at="2019-10-01T06:13:00Z" spiffe_id="spiffe://" subsystem_name=manager
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=info msg="Renewing X509-SVID" expires_at="2019-10-01T06:13:00Z" spiffe_id="spiffe://" subsystem_name=manager
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=info msg="Renewing X509-SVID" expires_at="2019-10-01T06:13:00Z" spiffe_id="spiffe://" subsystem_name=manager
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=debug msg="Entry updated" entry=eaaf39ca-a387-432b-a19d-f597280a32fc spiffe_id="spiffe://" subsystem_name=cache_manager svid_updated=true
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=debug msg="Entry updated" entry=965f582a-299f-4187-bd4d-58fce2de5160 spiffe_id="spiffe://" subsystem_name=cache_manager svid_updated=true
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=debug msg="Entry updated" entry=172b6844-f1d0-4877-8902-d83aed0cc6a8 spiffe_id="spiffe://" subsystem_name=cache_manager svid_updated=true

# Received StreamSecrets request from Envoy
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=debug msg="Received StreamSecrets request" nonce=e5f75599 resource_names="[spiffe://]" subsystem_name=sds_api version_info=67
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=debug msg="Received StreamSecrets request" nonce=db7e5697 resource_names="[spiffe://]" subsystem_name=sds_api version_info=67
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=debug msg="Received StreamSecrets request" nonce=65a4585c resource_names="[spiffe://]" subsystem_name=sds_api version_info=58
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=debug msg="Received StreamSecrets request" nonce=cd2a0db6 resource_names="[spiffe://]" subsystem_name=sds_api version_info=58
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=debug msg="Received StreamSecrets request" nonce=a9f10bc3 resource_names="[spiffe://]" subsystem_name=sds_api version_info=54
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=debug msg="Received StreamSecrets request" nonce=746562b9 resource_names="[spiffe://]" subsystem_name=sds_api version_info=54

# Sending StreamSecrets response to Envoy
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=debug msg="Sending StreamSecrets response" count=1 nonce=db7e5697 subsystem_name=sds_api version_info=67
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=debug msg="Sending StreamSecrets response" count=1 nonce=e5f75599 subsystem_name=sds_api version_info=67
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=debug msg="Sending StreamSecrets response" count=1 nonce=cd2a0db6 subsystem_name=sds_api version_info=58
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=debug msg="Sending StreamSecrets response" count=1 nonce=65a4585c subsystem_name=sds_api version_info=58
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=debug msg="Sending StreamSecrets response" count=1 nonce=746562b9 subsystem_name=sds_api version_info=54
time="2019-10-01T06:12:40Z" level=debug msg="Sending StreamSecrets response" count=1 nonce=a9f10bc3 subsystem_name=sds_api version_info=54

You can also confirm that the rotation is executed from the valid_from and expiration_time values in Envoy's Administration interface /certs.

API_ENVOY_ADMIN_NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get svc api -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("envoy-admin-port")].nodePort}')
curl $(minikube ip):${API_ENVOY_ADMIN_NODE_PORT}/certs

# Valid API Client
VALID_API_CLIENT_ENVOY_ADMIN_NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get svc valid-api-client -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("envoy-admin-port")].nodePort}')
curl $(minikube ip):${VALID_API_CLIENT_ENVOY_ADMIN_NODE_PORT}/certs

# Invalid API Client
INVALID_API_CLIENT_ENVOY_ADMIN_NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get svc invalid-api-client -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("envoy-admin-port")].nodePort}')
curl $(minikube ip):${INVALID_API_CLIENT_ENVOY_ADMIN_NODE_PORT}/certs

8. Cleaning Up

kubectl delete -f spire-server.yaml
kubectl delete -f spire-agent.yaml
kubectl delete -f api.yaml
kubectl delete -f valid-api-client.yaml
kubectl delete -f invalid-api-client.yaml




Demo to build Service Mesh on Kubernetes using Envoy as data plane and SPIRE as control plane.








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