Relayer's primary role is to deliver user-prepared ZkBob transactions to the private pool contract. Also, it can be used as cache service to conveniently retrieve information about previous transactions, current Merkle Tree state, transaction fees, etc.
You can use a pre-built image from registry. List of env configuration parameters can be found in zp-relayer/.env.example
. The repository zkBob/relayer-launch can be used to run the relayer with the docker-compose facility.
Unit tests:
cd zp-relayer && yarn test:unit
Worker tests To run worker tests you need Docker and docker-compose installed locally.
cd zp-relayer && yarn test:worker
High-level overview:
- Client fetches all commitments and memo blocks (either from relayer or directly from the blockchain) and decrypts their notes and accounts. All commitments should be stored in local Merkle tree, together with found notes and accounts.
- Client builds a zk-SNARK proof for the transaction using previously fetched notes and the most recent account. This proof, together with public inputs, memo block, and optional nullifier signature (used only for deposits), is sent to the relayer.
- Relayer adds a job to the queue. It checks that the tx proof is valid, builds another zk-SNARK proof for tree update, sends tx to the blockchain, and updates the local Merkle tree using sent data. It also locally stores commitment hash (one of the public inputs) and memo messages.
You can use already implemented client to check for details.
actor U as User
participant R as Relayer
participant P as Private pool
U->>R: /transactions/v2
R->>U: transaction batch
Note Over U: Update Merkle Tree
Note Over U: Build ZK proof
U->>R: /sendTransactions
Note Over R: Validate transactions
Note Over R: Add transactions to <br /> optimistic state
R->>P: Submit transactions
R->>U: jobId
loop Until mined
Note Over R: Check if transaction <br /> is mined
Note Over R: Update gasPrice
R->>P: Re-submit transaction
Note Over R: Update confirmed state
par Wait for transaction
U->>R: /job/:jobId
R->>U: job status
and Update local state
U->>R: /transactions/v2
R->>U: transaction batch
For a detailed description of each method's payload you can refer to zp-relayer/validation/validation.ts
file with JSON validation schemas.
Note, that requests to all endpoints (except /
, /info
, /params/hash/tree
, /params/hash/tx
) also require a special zkbob-support-id
env is set to true
. This header should be automatically set by the client application.
- submit batch of transaction to relayer. -
- list of encoded transactions data in the following format"${stateBit}${txHash}${outCommit}${memo}"
if transaction is in confirmed state and0
otherwise. -
- get Merkle Tree root at specified index. -
- get left siblings starting from a leaf node atindex
up to the tree root.Response
- information about user's job state.Response
{ resolvedJobId // Resolved job id as job can be re-tried several times createdOn failedReason finishedOn state txHash }
- information about current pool state.Response
{ root // Confirmed tree root optimisticRoot // Optimistic tree root deltaIndex // Confirmed tree root index optimisticDeltaIndex // Optimistic tree root index }
- current relayer fee.Response
{ fee // Fee in pool tokens }
- current pool limits.Response
{ deposit: { singleOperation // Limit for single pool operation dailyForAddress: { // Daily deposit limits for address total available }, dailyForAll: { // Daily deposit limits for all users total available }, poolLimit: { // Daily pool limit total available }, }, withdraw: { dailyForAll: { // Daily withdraw limit for all users total available }, }, tier // Address tier }
- currently used relayer versionResponse
{ ref // Branch or tag commitHash // Commit hash }
- returns maximum amount of pool's tokens (already denominated) that can be swapped to native tokens in one withdrawal transaction. -
- hash of pool tree proving parameters. -
- hash of pool transaction proving parameters.