The aim of this project is to design a 433MHz rf jammer using the CC1101 module and the ESP32 (ESP32-WROOM-32u here).
Pin No. | Item | Pin ESP32 | Direction | Description |
1 | GND | GND | Ground | |
2 | VCC | 3.3V | Power supply, 1.8V - 3.6V | |
3 | GDO0 | GPIO2 (Pin 2) | Output | Data output pin |
4 | CSN | GPIO5 (Pin 5) | Input | Module chip selection pin for starting SPI communication |
5 | SCK | GPIO18 (Pin 18) | Input | SPI clock pin |
6 | MOSI | GPIO23 (Pin 23) | Input | SPI data input pin |
7 | MISO/GDO1 | GPIO19 (Pin 19) | Output | SPI data output pin |
8 | GDO2 | GPIO4 (Pin 4) | Output | Data output pin |
Pin No. | Item | Pin ESP32 | Direction | Description |
Anode (+) | GPIO12 (Pin 12) | Output | Connect the anode of the LED directly to GPIO12 | |
Cathode (-) | Resistor 220Ω (ohm) | GND | Connect the cathode of the LED to GND via a 220Ω (ohm) resistor |
The device needs (best) an external battery to power it or a 5V supply. A possible improvement would be to add a lipo battery (requires a voltage booster and a charge regulator).
Libraries required :
- SmartRC-CC1101-Driver-Lib by LSatan
- ezButton by ArduinoGetStarted
Then you can simply choose the code that suits you and compile it in an arduino IDE. (You'll probably need a board manager like esp32 by Espressif Systems to detect your esp)