- C Bindings for the API of BLAKE3 cryptographic hash function in Java.
- Import maven from Artifactory.
The library has the same c api:
// Verifies the library is connected
public static boolean isEnabled()
// Creates a NativeBlake3 instance and a equivalent one as `blake3_hasher` in c.
public NativeBlake3() throws IllegalStateException
// Initializers
public void initDefault()
public void initKeyed(byte[] key)
public void initDeriveKey(String context)
// Add input to the hasher. This can be called any number of times.
public void update(byte[] data)
// Equivalent to blake3_hasher_finalize in C. you can keep adding data after calling this.
public byte[] getOutput() throws InvalidNativeOutput
public byte[] getOutput(int outputLength) throws InvalidNativeOutput
- Note: Using in try-with-resources block to auto-close resource allocated in memory in C.
// Initialize the hasher
try (NativeBlake3 hasher = new NativeBlake3()) {
// read data
byte[] data = "example data".getBytes();
// more data
byte[] moredata = "more data".getBytes();
// Finalize the hash. BLAKE3 output length defaults to 32 bytes
byte[] output = hasher.getOutput();
Currently, this library is build for Linux and Mac OS (M1). detect the OS and load the correct binary.
Linux's library is integrated build with Gitlab Runner pipeline. For MacOS build, follow the following guides.
For more environment, see here.
- Java
- Maven
Run the command to build native shared library.
$ ./scripts/make.sh
# Output will be native library binaries in `resources` folder.
# libblake3.sylib
- Build jar with Maven.
$ ./scripts/build.sh