You'll need the following software installed to get started.
- Node.js: Use the installer for your OS.
- Git: Use the installer for your OS.
- Windows users can also try Git for Windows.
- Gulp and Bower: Run
npm install -g gulp bower
- Depending on how Node is configured on your machine, you may need to run
sudo npm install -g gulp bower
instead, if you get an error with the first command.
- Depending on how Node is configured on your machine, you may need to run
Clone this repository using git.
git clone
Change into the directory.
cd exiletrade
Install the dependencies. If you're running Mac OS or Linux, you may need to run sudo npm install
instead, depending on how your machine is configured.
npm install
bower install
While you're working on your project, run:
npm start
This will compile the Sass and assemble your Angular app. Now go to localhost:8080
in your browser to see it in action. When you change any file in the client
folder, the appropriate Gulp task will run to build new files.
Commands you need to push your changes:
git status <- Shows the status of your copy of the source code
git pull <- Make sure you are always up to date
git commit -am "what I changed" <- Commits your changes to your local repository
git push origin master <- Push your changes, and if you wanna help us, you will then need to create a pull request on GitHub
To run the compiling process once, without watching any files, use the build
npm start build
This will build your project once with minified/uglified JS:
gulp build --production
This will build a demo version (uploaded to github) once with minified/uglified JS:
gulp build --production --demo
Got this one my .bashrc
. This will do git add/commit/push in one command.
function gita() {
git add .
git commit -a -m "$1"
git push origin master