A neat little blocks-based Objective C wrapper for the Instagram API.
It readily parses the JSON responses on a background thread and does the dirty work for you so you just have to deal with Instagram model objects. Harnesses the power of AFNetworking under the hood.
Getting started is easy. Just include the files from the directory 'InstagramKit' into your project and you'll be up and running.
pod "InstagramKit", "1.1.0"
Head over to http://instagram.com/developer/clients/manage/ to register your app with Instagram and insert the right credentials in InstagramEngine.h.
In that case, you do not have to move a muscle. Simply continue with the temporary access keys provided and let the magic unfold.
Download and run the Demo Project to understand how the engine is intended to be used.
InstagramKit is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt.
If you're using InstagramKit in your app or intend to, I'd be happy to hear from you.