xpressme V2.5.4 for xoops Author toemon [trac.toemon.com/XPressME/browser](http://trac.toemon.com/XPressME/browser)
The xpressme plugin provides the Wordpress function of xoops.
xpressme 模組 提供 Xoops 有Wordpress功能
upload zip files to Xoops modules folder and unzip it.
將壓縮檔上傳至 Xoops 模組資料夾並解壓縮
The installation method is the same as other plugins.
This Version Support Xoops 2.5.10
此版本支援 Xoops 2.5.10
PHP Version::7.4.10
相容 正體中文 Xoops 2.5.10
Slightly different from the original version, fixed minor bugs.
與原始版本稍有差異修正了小 Bug