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Sequence Diagram

Phương 'J' Lê H edited this page Sep 12, 2018 · 2 revisions
+-------+                   +-----+                        +-----------+                          
| User  |                   | API |                        | Firebase  |                          
+-------+                   +-----+                        +-----------+                          
    | ------------\            |                                 |                                
    |-| Let me in |            |                                 |                                
    | |-----------|            |                                 |                                
    |                          |                                 |                                
    | GET /login               |                                 |                                
    |------------------------->|                                 |                                
    |                          |                                 |                                
    |     OK, click the button |                                 |                                
    |<-------------------------|                                 |                                
    | ----------------------\  |                                 |                                
    |-| Click to button     |  |                                 |                                
    | | [Login with Google] |  |                                 |                                
    | |---------------------|  |                                 |                                
    | OAuth me                 |                                 |                                
    |                          |                                 |                                
    |                          |                                 | Ok Google, identify her        
    |                          |                                 |------------------------        
    |                          |                                 |                       |        
    |                          |                                 |<-----------------------        
    |                          |                                 |                                
    |                          |          Talk to Google, please |                                
    | -----------------\       |                                 |                                
    |-| Login with     |       |                                 |                                
    | | Google account |       |                                 |                                
    | |----------------|       |                                 |                                
    |                          |                                 | Receive her grants from Google 
    |                          |                                 |------------------------------- 
    |                          |                                 |                              | 
    |                          |                                 |<------------------------------ 
    |                          |                                 | ------------------\            
    |                          |                                 |-| Make a passport |            
    |                          |                                 | |-----------------|            
    |                          |                                 |                                
    |                          |                   Your passport |                                
    |                          |                                 |                                
    | My passport              |                                 |                                
    |------------------------->|                                 |                                
    |                          |                                 |                                
    |                          | Is this a valid passport?       |                                
    |                          |-------------------------------->|                                
    |                          |                                 |                                
    |                          |                            Yes! |                                
    |                          |<--------------------------------|                                
    |                          | ------------------------\       |                                
    |                          |-| Store her information |       |                                
    |                          | |-----------------------|       |                                
    |                          |                                 |                                
    |           Welcome aboard |                                 |                                
    |<-------------------------|                                 |                                
    | ----------------\        |                                 |                                
    |-| I'm so happy. |        |                                 |                                
    | | ^_^           |        |                                 |                                
    | |---------------|        |                                 |                                

Generated by textart

object User API Firebase
note right of User: Let me in
User->API: GET /login
API->User: OK, click the button
note right of User: Click to button\n[Login with Google]
User->Firebase: OAuth me
Firebase->Firebase: Ok Google, identify her
Firebase->User: Talk to Google, please
note right of User: Login with\nGoogle account
Firebase->Firebase: Receive her grants from Google
note right of Firebase: Make a passport
Firebase->User: Your passport
User->API: My passport
API->Firebase: Is this a valid passport?
Firebase->API: Yes!
note right of API: Store her information
API->User: Welcome aboard
note right of User: I'm so happy. \n ^_^
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