Dependency free, promise based UDP port scanner using linux nc
npm i nc-udp-scanner
Enter the IP address of the device you want to port scan and the port range you want to scan as parameters to the function.
You must have root privileges in order to use this function.
const { udpScan } = require("./lib/scanner");
function scan(ip, range) {
const hrstart = process.hrtime();
udpScan(ip, range)
.then((report) => {
const hrend = process.hrtime(hrstart);"Executed in: %ds %dms", hrend[0], hrend[1] / 1000000);
scan(ip, range);
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
const IP = "";
const portRange = "5061-5074";
scan(IP, portRange);
const printParsedUdpScanReport = (report) => {
Header: "PortScan",
Status: report,
Header: 'PortScan',
Status: [
{ Port: 5061, State: 'succeeded' },
{ Port: 5062, State: 'succeeded' },
{ Port: 5063, State: 'succeeded' },
{ Port: 5064, State: 'succeeded' },
{ Port: 5065, State: 'succeeded' },
{ Port: 5066, State: 'succeeded' },
{ Port: 5067, State: 'succeeded' },
{ Port: 5069, State: 'succeeded' },
{ Port: 5071, State: 'succeeded' },
{ Port: 5072, State: 'succeeded' },
{ Port: 5073, State: 'succeeded' },
{ Port: 5068, State: 'failed' },
{ Port: 5070, State: 'failed' },
{ Port: 5074, State: 'failed' }
Executed in: 36s 78.436788ms