Using Hashicorp Vault for mTLS Authentication with Apache Kafka and applications running in Hashicorp Nomad
This repository contains a reference implementation of how to run an application in Nomad, which must retrieve a certificate from Vault and use that to authenticate against Kafka.
- You must have Docker installed locally.
- This implementation runs all services in Docker for the sake of simplicity.
- We will use the built-in Kafka command line tools rather than custom programs for ease of use.
- You must have Nomad installed locally.
- Start up the Vault container by running the following command:
docker-compose up -d vault
- Initialize Vault and retrieve the token and unseal keys. Keep these because if you lose them you'll have to start over.
docker exec -it vault vault operator init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1 Unseal Key 1: tGrC3TUtfTduX5k3n0qAntXS5bIIztTnB9s4n/IL2Xk= Initial Root Token: s.Zucw52GK3JUAlHNKAMrexCVP
- Unseal Vault. When prompted, enter the unseal key shown in the output from above.
docker exec -it vault vault operator unseal Unseal Key (will be hidden): Key Value --- ----- Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed false Total Shares 1 Threshold 1 Version 1.6.2 Storage Type file Cluster Name vault-cluster-1ddb6440 Cluster ID 0f4da39b-4caf-b1f2-9827-e984064e0329 HA Enabled false
- Set an environment variable with the root token value for ease of use. The space before the
command is intentional as it prevents this from being put in your command history.export VAULT_TOKEN=s.Zucw52GK3JUAlHNKAMrexCVP
- Enable the PKI back end.
curl -H"X-Vault-Token:${VAULT_TOKEN}" -XPUT -d@json/enable-pki.json http://localhost:8200/v1/sys/mounts/pki/kafka -v * Trying * TCP_NODELAY set * Connected to localhost ( port 8200 (#0) > PUT /v1/sys/mounts/pki HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8200 > User-Agent: curl/7.64.1 > Accept: */* > X-Vault-Token:s.Zucw52GK3JUAlHNKAMrexCVP > Content-Length: 17 > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded > * upload completely sent off: 17 out of 17 bytes < HTTP/1.1 204 No Content < Cache-Control: no-store < Content-Type: application/json < Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 18:12:03 GMT < * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact * Closing connection 0
- Adjust the max TTL length to 10 years
docker exec -e VAULT_TOKEN=${VAULT_TOKEN} vault vault secrets tune -max-lease-ttl=87600h pki/kafka
- Create a root CA certificate
You can ignore the output of this command.
curl -H"X-Vault-Token:${VAULT_TOKEN}" -XPOST -d@json/generate-root.json http://localhost:8200/v1/pki/kafka/root/generate/internal -v
- Set the issuing URL.
curl -H"X-Vault-Token:${VAULT_TOKEN}" -XPOST -d@json/set-url.json http://localhost:8200/v1/pki/kafka/config/urls
- Enable AppRole authentication.
curl -H"X-Vault-Token:${VAULT_TOKEN}" -XPOST -d@json/enable-approle.json http://localhost:8200/v1/sys/auth/approle
- Create a role for issuing certificates.
curl -H"X-Vault-Token:${VAULT_TOKEN}" -XPOST -d@json/create-role.json http://localhost:8200/v1/pki/kafka/roles/kafka-broker
- Create a policy for Kafka servers.
docker exec -e VAULT_TOKEN=${VAULT_TOKEN} vault vault policy write kafka-broker /repo/policies/kafka-broker.hcl
- Create an AppRole for Kafka servers.
curl -H"X-Vault-Token:${VAULT_TOKEN}" -XPOST -d@json/create-kafka-broker-approle.json http://localhost:8200/v1/auth/approle/role/kafka-broker -v
- Fetch a RoleID and SecretID for the AppRole.
$ export VAULT_ROLE_ID=`docker exec -e VAULT_TOKEN=${VAULT_TOKEN} vault vault read -field=role_id auth/approle/role/kafka-broker/role-id` Key Value --- ----- role_id 7b69c952-f05c-6d5a-a5b7-c5130163ca61 $ export VAULT_ROLE_SECRET_ID=`docker exec -e VAULT_TOKEN=${VAULT_TOKEN} vault vault write -field=secret_id -f auth/approle/role/kafka-broker/secret-id` Key Value --- ----- secret_id 766db74c-6a86-7937-1b18-cd2a09ca29dd secret_id_accessor 973c078c-d552-ec72-6532-9625bfdf846f
- Build the customized Docker image that includes the customized start-up script.
$ docker build -t kafka_vault kafka
- Start the Zookeeper container
$ docker-compose up -d zookeeper
- Grant cluster admin rights to the broker.
$ docker run -it --rm --entrypoint bash --network kafka kafka_vault /opt/kafka/bin/ --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zookeeper:2181 --add --allow-principal '' --cluster
- Run a Kafka broker with the configured Vault tokens and IDs.
$ docker-compose up --build -d kafka1
- Create the policy for the Nomad servers.
$ docker exec -e VAULT_TOKEN=${VAULT_TOKEN} vault vault policy write nomad-server /repo/policies/nomad-server.hcl
- Create the token role.
$ docker exec -e VAULT_TOKEN=${VAULT_TOKEN} vault vault write /auth/token/roles/nomad-cluster @/repo/json/create-nomad-cluster-tokenrole.json
- Create a token for Nomad.
This will output a token. Copy this value to your clipboard and open a new terminal window in the same folder.
$ docker exec -e VAULT_TOKEN=${VAULT_TOKEN} vault vault token create -field=token -policy nomad-server -period 72h -orphan
- In the new window, start a Nomad server in Dev mode.
Ensure that you see no errors in the log file and that you can browse to Nomad's UI from [[http://localhost:4646]].
$ VAULT_TOKEN=<paste token from previous step here> nomad agent -dev -config ./nomad/config.hcl
- Create a role for issuing certificates.
curl -H"X-Vault-Token:${VAULT_TOKEN}" -XPOST -d@json/create-producer-role.json http://localhost:8200/v1/pki/kafka/roles/kafka-producer
- Create a policy for Kafka servers.
$ docker exec -e VAULT_TOKEN=${VAULT_TOKEN} vault vault policy write kafka-producer /repo/policies/kafka-producer.hcl Success! Uploaded policy: kafka-producer
- Grant producing rights to the producer.
$ docker run -it --rm --entrypoint bash --network kafka kafka_vault /opt/kafka/bin/ --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zookeeper:2181 --add --allow-principal 'User:CN=producer1.producer.kafka.local' --topic producer-topic --operation Write --operation Describe
- Create the new topic.
$ docker exec /opt/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server --if-not-exists --topic producer-topic --create --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --command-config /opt/kafka/config/
- Build the Kafka producer Docker image.
$ docker build -t kafka-producer ./producer
- Run a job for the producer.
$ nomad run ./nomad/producer.hcl
- Create a role for issuing certificates.
curl -H"X-Vault-Token:${VAULT_TOKEN}" -XPOST -d@json/create-consumer-role.json http://localhost:8200/v1/pki/kafka/roles/kafka-consumer
- Create a policy for Kafka consumers.
$ docker exec -e VAULT_TOKEN=${VAULT_TOKEN} vault vault policy write kafka-consumer /repo/policies/kafka-consumer.hcl Success! Uploaded policy: kafka-consumer
- Grant producing rights to the consumer.
$ docker run -it --rm --entrypoint bash --network kafka kafka_vault /opt/kafka/bin/ --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zookeeper:2181 --add --allow-principal 'User:CN=consumer1.consumer.kafka.local' --topic producer-topic --operation Read --operation Describe $ docker run -it --rm --entrypoint bash --network kafka kafka_vault /opt/kafka/bin/ --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zookeeper:2181 --add --allow-principal 'User:CN=consumer1.consumer.kafka.local' --group consumer-group --operation Read
- Build the Kafka consumer Docker image.
$ docker build -t kafka-consumer:1.0 ./consumer
- Run a job for the consumer.
$ nomad run ./nomad/consumer.hcl