This bundle unleashes the Action-Domain-Responder pattern on Symfony applications.
Use Composer to install this bundle:
$ composer require webmunkeez/adr-bundle
Add the bundle in your application kernel:
// config/bundles.php
return [
// ...
Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\WebmunkeezADRBundle::class => ['all' => true],
// ...
An Action is just an invokable class that has to implement \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Action\ActionInterface
final class StoryDetailAction implements \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Action\ActionInterface
public function __invoke(): Response
return $this->render($data);
public function render(?\Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponseDataInterface $data = null): Response
return new Response(...);
But, it can be a more classic Controller that implements the same interface:
final class StoryController implements \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Action\ActionInterface
public function detail(): Response
return $this->render($data);
public function render(?\Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponseDataInterface $data = null): Response
return new Response(...);
(Each service that implements ActionInterface
is automatically tagged controller.service_arguments
Responders are services which take data (an object that implements \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponseDataInterface
) and return it in a Response.
It can be a response containing HTML or a JsonResponse, or whatever you want, as far as it is a Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
In this bundle, there is a responder manager \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\Responder
that you can inject into your actions (or controllers).
This responder manager takes all responders of your application (it uses a compiler pass to get all services tagged webmunkeez_adr.responder
sorted by priority) and find the right one to render the response.
final class StoryDetailAction implements \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Action\ActionInterface
private \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\Responder $responder;
public function __construct(\Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\Responder $responder)
$this->responder = $responder
public function __invoke(): Response
return $this->render($data);
public function render(?\Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponseDataInterface $data = null): Response
return $this->responder->render($data);
You can use \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponderAwareInterface
and \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponderAwareTrait
to automatically inject Responder:
final class StoryDetailAction implements \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Action\ActionInterface, \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponderAwareInterface
use \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponderAwareTrait;
public function __invoke(): Response
return $this->render($data);
public function render(?\Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponseDataInterface $data = null): Response
return $this->responder->render($data);
And you can use \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Action\ActionTrait
to clean code:
final class StoryDetailAction implements \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Action\ActionInterface, \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponderAwareInterface
use \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponderAwareTrait;
use \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Action\ActionTrait;
public function __invoke(): Response
return $this->render($data);
Or directly extend \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Action\AbstractAction
final class StoryDetailAction extends \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Action\AbstractAction
public function __invoke(): Response
return $this->render($data);
Responders are classes that implement \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponderInterface
(and so, they are automatically tagged webmunkeez_adr.responder
final class XmlResponder implements \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponderInterface
private RequestStack $requestStack;
private SerializerInterface $serializer;
public function __construct(RequestStack $requestStack, SerializerInterface $serializer)
$this->requestStack = $requestStack;
$this->serializer = $serializer;
public function supports(): bool
return 'xml' === $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->getPreferredFormat();
public function render(?\Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponseDataInterface $data = null): Response
$xml = $this->serializer->serialize($data, 'xml');
$response = new Response($xml);
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
return $response;
As you can see, there are two methods: supports
that defines conditions to "activate" the responder and render
to make the response.
There are two core responders provided:
that uses Twig for render html with a twig template. To indicate template, you have to use \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Attribute\Template
use Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Attribute\Template;
final class StoryDetailAction implements \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Action\ActionInterface
This responder is active if the request contains HTTP_ACCEPT text/html
header (warning: a twig template is needed for this responder, otherwise it will throw an \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Exception\RenderingException
It has a priority: -20
that uses Serializer for render json (you can indicate serialization context with \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Attribute\SerializationContext
use Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Attribute\SerializationContext;
#[SerializationContext(['groups' => 'group_one'])]
final class StoryDetailAction implements \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Action\ActionInterface
This responder is active if the request contains HTTP_ACCEPT application/json
It has a priority: -10
You can write your own reponders like in my previous XmlResponder
example, by implementing \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponderInterface
Services implementing this interface are automatically tagged webmunkeez_adr.responder
with priority: 0
, and you can change it (in your service.yaml
or by static getDefaultPriority
method ; see
You can define "generic" responders like html, json, xml and so on. But you can also define more specifics, by checking $request->attributes->get('_controller')
to make a responder only for a specific action:
final class CustomResponder implements \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponderInterface
private RequestStack $requestStack;
private Environment $twig;
public function __construct(RequestStack $requestStack, Environment $twig)
$this->requestStack = $requestStack;
$this->twig = $twig;
public function supports(): bool
$controller = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->attributes->get('_controller');
$actionClass = false !== strpos($controller, '::') ? substr($controller, 0, strpos($controller, '::')) : $controller;
return CustomResponderAction::class === $actionClass;
public function render(?\Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Response\ResponseDataInterface $data = null): Response
$data = array_merge($data, ['customResponder' => true]);
$html = $this->twig->render($this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->attributes->get('_template_path'), $data);
return new Response($html);
If there is an uncaught \Webmunkeez\ADRBundle\Exception\RenderingException
, it will be catch by this listener which will throw an \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotAcceptableHttpException
that will embed the original exception.
If there is an uncaught \Throwable
, it will be catch by this listener which will throw an \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException
that will embed the original exception.
If you request an Action
with HTTP_ACCEPT application/json
header and if this Action
throws an Exception that implements \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpExceptionInterface
, its content will automatically be serialized in a JSON reading format to the Response
body content.